Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)

tr 0 tj tgaii' 1 4 Section 2 Chicago Tribune. Tuesday. November 8, 1 977 Kelp Wonted Help Wonted Help Wonted Help Wanted Help Wanted I went to the Tribune and found myjoi Looking for a job can be a job. That's why you should turn to the Tribune's daily classified section and Sunday The Tribune can heln! 1- 1. in r- 1 4 at rigu cacn wee you una more than 10,500 job opportunities in metropolitan Chicago listed.

So you've got a bigger choice and a better chance of finding the job you want. tome CMcgga Nawaptptr CUaaBeel ess? nri (Tribune-; Lrtployment Ajendes person friday 4 person firm excellent salarvl Vot'rt the arte person vunnlne mines, go bt ready to show your smarts. This Is front-desk position you've tot to look end souid real. Typing must. They'll trait you for lite bootuetHnt.

Super position rer uriyni, ivt JISO Lincoln nS-WM tin Lincoln Employer pays .11 iv try. DOCTOR'S OFFICE RECEPTION TRAINEE -contact In doctor's office, you'll be receptionist. Leern to welcome patients, set bt of help with details. Must typt. Have some office tip.

Ivy 3i50 Lincoln V35-4350 4770 Lincoln .754400 Employer pays an ivt revs MANAGEMENT RECRUITER Mgm't opportunity with firm speciallilnt In the placement of college araduates In tht S12.O00-$75.000. range. Will train. Call 724-J720 Castle Associates. Inc.

104 a. Micnigan. PERSONNEL TRAINEE Salary 4 Comm. Soma College business exp. Call Mr.

Ferris, Esquire 100 N. Michigan ENGINEERS All Detrees-Chgo Career Confefc enct Nov. II Ih a. 17111. Call ccnurviAre wjuwriit.

Hanco*ck Bidg STE.30W F.C B00KEEPER $14,000 Na tlearat rtt. Call Ceo. Novak 14O-14I0 (10-501 fRIOR ITY 1 Ltd. 111W.W4oaill COLLEGE WOMEN AND Mtnl We toeclailit In tht 10b search and placement of colleta trada la the ousinest woria. i 3 N.

Oeettorn 834-2071 EDP SPECIALISTS Ltbtrty Associates, 701 Let St. Des Plelnes, M7-M41 tnd IS. Riverside Plata, Chic. 454-IO0. Data Processing Position wens Kecrmime Systems.

Loot Inc. JTJ0 W.Washington SultOSX) FINANCEACCTG ONLY World's Largest Specialist n.iurt U.ll 0rannn.l N. Michigan 787-8970 SALES Consultants is our name. Biu-ina uim naoDl la our tamt. Our specialists account executive CM ne VOW in your searcn.

X32 'sS. Alctllgana-755 BerPRTinNISTATTNYS SaSO Must remember many names how to pronounce themi typt 40 firm pavs ret, secreianea. Inc. Prudential Bldt 4a7-4o0 Itacb arrniiNTANT SI5.O0O. r-kti ai 1 Ahh at aat-lITt.

Chemical aVEnglneerlnt Personnel, Inc. 1B0 M. Michigan. Chicago. IL 60601 Office Service Trainee-No tip.

MTMan but tnnat typt 55 gram. 3Mo ponctuallty iNNER PERSONNEL 64I44M 1 w. iviaoison. auirp nw stenos. CO.

oavs fat tucker PERS SER. INC. 1MS.LaSallt CE6-366J Travel Agcy 372-5800 ACCOUNTANTS! Call XS-alli Professional Employment Inc. Grill STTiwk 2nd Coot SliOHwk BUacrt wwiiw n.m employment Service) RESUME MAILING SERVICB Im mill malrp voa wonder wtrv you considered doing It oa your cRAfl IKtNl wui JL arlntlnc Mlkt Kegley 72-WH School Guide MEN WOMEN BARTENDER TRAINING nY mA EVENING CLASSES. FREE JOB ASSISTANCE.

LOCAL or NATIONAU Fret urocnuft mowi 427-6605 PROFESSIONAL BARTENDERS SCHOOL Loop 407 S. Dearborn Suilt 31 Schaumburt 1153 Tower Rd. luui uaaHII.IiI M.1IS Computer car Efiii Classes Now Formlnt For amtaarjnfomttlnri. Call e-nuTDni data iNfiTITllTfl 200 N. Michigan Av Chicago IL 60601 Help Wanted ACCOUNTING INTERNAL AUDITOR AaIiImi aaeortunltv.

Wt have a position open for tf) Individual with a BA degree In Accounting. At least 2 yrs. Audit. Ing Supervisory experience. 1.

inia position Involves 90 Internal Au dit work 4 iui apeciai rroivcis. Also tht ability to prepare and volaln a written aud report Is a must. No travel Involved. Wo offer you an excellent ttartlnt salary and comprehensive benefit program. Send resume listing qualifications to Robert Persa Golden Bear Family Restaurants, 427 E.

Euclid ivu. Ktospecr. 11, ouuao. ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT CONTROLLER flPfwrP) MANAGER Wa eeelc a deareed professional with minimum of 10 years experience and a successful managerial background. A working knowledge of menual tnd automated systems, as well as accounting.

It essential. Tht lob reports to corporate con. troller of a Northwest tldt Chicago manufacturing company. Write MSL-274, Tribune 60611 AtfvtrtiSinf PRODUCTION MANAGER Griphfc Horn needs production mn.9ei. Sctuuttiburs are.

Must hv tutowiedgt of 4c heintf cut colore pastt VPS cold tvot ooerstt lion. Piettd tKM33) lor poi fitment. 'Air Conditioning Service Man (or commofciil NW urbs aW-fjt Altrrn lnsTllers-ee od: Firt Alarms. 500-y-wfc attef trna. ALUMINUM SIDING APPLICATORS Tne Wnrk tdy all vesf.

WmI rn tub. OavtEve. 37v-am ARCHITECTESTIMATOR Experienced In residential. Familiar wiob bidding. Eiceiient salary.

Send resume to: MAE 305 ritwne. won. ART a PHOTOGRAPHY STUD Rare career opportunity for Become "alter ego" to knowledgeable catalog account exec. Start wproduction work, become ais't acc't exec. then tun Ac soon as ready.

Must be conscientious, agornshie. hard working perfectionist who has de- monttrsteo oetmate raienr ror rnis business. Salary It, future) open. Send confidential resume covering latter references to: W5R 024 Tribune 606 ASSEMBLER MECHANICAL Wt require self-motivated Individual with exp. in assembly work to assemble, aitvn and intra.

i motors, shafts and various mechanical components. Applicants must have be able to read prints, schematic drawings wiring diagrams. This is a permanent, fulMime position for qualified applicant. Liberal employee benefits. Competitive salary a convenient suburban location.

Call to arrange a personal aooaintmant. rersonnei uepT, jr-jue AES Technology Systems 140 Lively Elk Grove VII aag. wwui' AUCTIONEER Co. Needs Ex perlenced Bid Caller. 471-510? 1978 IS ON THE WAV.


APPLy IN PERSON TO AL NA- RUNS OK LEE weirAHM Ml; BERT WEIMAN FORD 3535 N. ASHLAND OFFICE MANAGER Aggresstvt, trowlnt West Suburban GM dealership needs lop. notch office manager to assist controller. Automotive bookkeeping experience must In eddltlon to the capability of preparing finan cial statements. Excellent salary ana benefits, for coniigeniiai appointment can: Dick Roy 352-7800 DAN WOLF P0NTIAC-GMC 6060 S.

LaGronge Rd. loGrange, III. AUTO NEW CAR QUALITY CONTROL SUPERVISOR An aggressive GM West Suburban dealarthlo is seeklno a welt. organized, detail minded Individu al, no exponent necessary win treln. We olfer excellent salary plus treat opportunity for advance.

mem. rvpiy in person ie: lou Marina DAN WOLF P0NTIAC-GMC 6060 S. loGrange Rd LaOrangt (Countryside) II, AUTO JOURNEYMAN MECHANIC Highly respected dealership seeks Individual with 4 years GM experience. Certification preferred. You'll love working In our lerge, busy shop, complete with the finest tnd most modern tqulpmtnt you can lino looar.

CALL GREG UNDEMANN 331-4800 BAUER BUICK 15400 DIXIE HIGHWAY IN HARVEY AUTO SALESMAN Solid, growth oriented Lincoln Mercury dealership Is seeking dynamic, aggressive salesman. Experience desired, but not necessary. High commissions Plus fret demo and all benefits. Call Ralph bOCnrail lor appointment. HOLIDAY LINCOLN-MERCURY EVANSTON DA 8-2300 ACCOUNTANT P.

A. FIRM Mttlum Sited CPA. Firm aeeds Moll Actttttttt trltk 2 tt 1 Yaaa Milt Accewinnt Eiptr-tsnct. Must line desire and mt tWIIty for advaacement. excellent talaryi profit tharlnti In- Houst C.F.E.

Seminars Write T5R HI TRIBUNE 60411 Accounting Clerk Position available for caoable person who has food typina skill and eniovs working with figures. Variety of duties for Interested worker. Looo location and many company benefits offered to you. MISS WHITE 3AS34t ACCOUNTING CLERK Iflwnadratt c-aefilnfl for Individual with prior bookkeepingVacctfl. experience.

Must be able to typt SO worn. South of Loop location. Call 142-3700 between atk for Leon. Equal Opportunity Employer MF. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Fiaeraentred man ta take full charge of accounts receivable and Insure net department for rapidly trowlnt multi-branch contractor.

Limited travel. Excellent opportunity. Bloominfdale office location. Call Chris at 773-96; for an appointment. ACCOUNTANT Entry level position for recent rraduatt with knowiedat of col lego und accounting.

Must typt. Michigan Ave. tocefion. Salary 1 0,000 to Sirooo, excellent benefit tvoa-ram. Send resume to: iwaL-au.

inouno oupir ACCOUNTS PAYABLE fast growing company in Brvn MawrtEliton area, needs sharp parson for accounts payable and general office duties. Excellent company benefits. 792-2500 ACCOUNTANTCPA tai specialist with IRS experience to rao act retiring rax manager, pan- aofship potential. Reply to: nruK ua. i noun oubii ACCOUNTANT Entry level ition.

Ideal for night student recent orad. Send, resume to; or ACrfaUNTINfa CLERK Malor food service company located) near Loop needs parson AP ACCOUNTING CLERK Varied duties. Exp. pref. but not requireo.

jjai-atij. ACTIVIST ENVIRONMENTALIST An yen concerned about Nuclear Safety. Substanct Control, industrial Pollution? You can tela, cltliens For A Better Envi ronment needs dedicated women ana men for run ana pert time positions. Training provided. Man agemont opponunmes tor quae mad inoiviguais.

tan yjv-ivw. ACTIVISTS Successful Cltlttn lobby for tax. utility, tnd fiouslno reforms ex-pandlnt staff. Seeking tnttiuslastic Individuals for full or PT work. join winner, looumo.

Illinois ifvonc Acnon loincu tXt-tia Non-profit ACTIUISTS Cfialltnglng work with CHlien's Acrion rrogram. i yr. rnoru 01 tlehtlnt political corruption and urban decay. Salaried positions. Adv tnctffltnr tncourageo.

wr VV. WV M.I I L-1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT am vm Eieltlnt toimofl assisting dynamic boss who's head ol Creative dept. Cat involved with protects related to copy, production and promotion. Lots of activity In factaced environment. Need office skills, tffict experience, cret- live ability.

9-i, lover pays fee. uownrown. cmp olandrayhound. 30 N. Michigan.

711-7300. Lie Pvt. Employment Agency. ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER Leading national wnoiessia ois-ttrloutor has position lor qual' Hied, avoerlenced. aaoresslve ad mlnlitraiive manager.

Knowledge of puchaslno an additional plus. Eicollent'SSlary growth Polen. Iiai. aeno your resume to: MSR Ml Tribune 60411 Equal Opportunity Employer ADMINISTRATIVE ASST. A mwih suburban hospital Is si ing qualified Individual to work directly with the administrator.

The Individual must have good typings skills and communication skills. A college background helpful. Excellent salary and benefits. Contact personnel tt I49-S400, ext. 241.

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT For loop olflce tf consulting i tlneert. Experienced Of train Builn.ce Send resume fo: TSA 990 Tribune 40611 An Equal Opportunity ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIS TS ANT. Responsible person to take charge of tffict tor small Loop reel estate research firm. Good report typing a generel office skills. Hotly tot MSR 030 Tribune VJOI I ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-NORTHBROOK Mafl Mirchatlno and eust.

serv. wgid typing skills aV recent rels. uwn Transponanun muni ADVERTISING TRAINEE S750-S825 MONTH Learn all ropes of advertising being trainee for nationel firm in Advertising dept. Handle phones, set up Itineraries, assist with pre lects setting up new ad Ideas for t.v. tnd media campaigns.

Attractive agpearonct. somt offlct perlence, good offlct skills will quality you. Employer pays tee. Koiono-oreynouna. ju revhound.

30 N. Mlchi. len. 1 7S.7m Uc. Pvt.

Empl, Agency, ADVERTISING SALES Jewish wkiy In Loop. Big comrt. Drew. Must tt esper. ooj-noi Employment Agenciei INTEREST IN SOCIOLOGY? S10.SOO-S10.800 You'll bt Administrate "rtgM Hand" to Eiecutlve Director, of malor public service tssoclallon.

Help Iter with board meeting arrangements, trganiilnt volunteers and social workers. Get to know Important dooors and benefactors! Challenging position i for polled) tenon tilth accurate oft let skills. t-S. Oowntoam. Employer part ROLANtWSREYHOUNp Michigan 781-J300 POLAND EVAN STON ISMOrrlnglon PAvlsMW LIKE PEOPLE? TRAINEE $10,000 1ST YR.

Famous national firm offers yog full training In: Customer service, lielson ectlvltles between mt mim. rflttrlhutlon. and markatlno. departments. This Is an tnanslot opening giving yrweKellent advancement prospect Into MANAGEMENT status.

Call Osoolt DVJinn, men CLEARINtj S40UCIS 158 S. Wacker, suitttwe INSURANCE PROFESSIONALS Several malor companies imt iotn. lies nave tniisTeo our eio in locai ng strung prormionai in Claims, Administration, ttc-For detells and confidential assess. menr or your maruii smsiiion wi: BILL STEVENS 7M-40d Business Management Personnel 150 S. Wacker Dr.

Suite 77S SECRETARY MEDICAL CENTER MONTH Tremendous evoortmlty for skltled tecretarv to loin dedicated staff tl famous Medical Center. You'll as-tist in Training and Development tret where you'll handle tralectt nl.ted In nrofeMlnnal and madU cat staff training. Much room for advancement here I Excellent be nefits inciuoe a weens vacanoni Dynamic doctor tnxioul to hlra Employer pays let. Roland Greyhound. 30 N.

Michigan. 7l- PR00FREADER AD AGENCY! $700 MONTH You'll assist friendly boss with proofreading tf copy for ad campaigns, magailnt adt and other promotional materials. Get In on Creative sldt and set what new products win nir mt marten novo good spelling and grammar, agist Tccts. 9-5. Downtown.

Employer ann lit rvninn war naii anai dtd. pays fat. RolanO-Crgirhound. 30 Micnigan. bi-uu.

ADMINISTRATIVE Cmtomer Serv. Need 4 Sa-IIK Inventory Clerk a-K Troe Bus Degret S12-I4K Figure Clerks Lift Es. Sa-IOK Acct. Super Esp. S9-14K ShlpkRecEip.

Accts. Jr. Thru sr. io-aoi Companies Pay Our Feet MONARCH 333 N. Michigan 782-1200 Help Wonted Do i ITass 1 t-V tS il AUTO MECHANIC Must mow front end often.

Must have own tools. Gd. guar comm. S.7-31S4 AUTO MECHANIC eiperlenced wilt or without tools. Rosemonl, II OW-JOSO UTO MECHANIC Eta.

lor foreign car tor No. sub. station. Top pay. Must have tools.

72? -40 SO Auto Mechenlc -foreign cars. Must have exp.toots AUTOMOBILE BOOKKEEPER Experienced person to assist office manager. Excellent pay plan plus all fringe benefits. Ash tor Mr. Weeks.

Xall 034 7400, villa Part Ford. 441 E. St. Chatles Rd Vina Part, IL. UTOMOBILE SALESMAN Salary, xci, worsing cons, em oen.

n- HOWY vw. punoeocigin AUTOMOBILE Salvage yard needs taper, tin. Must. ir nave 615l loots Automotive Head Mechanic Ian Font Trirk Fleet Lartt notional corporation requires dynamic individual to maintain local truck fleet. Must bt experienced working mechanic capable of supervising and teaching otners.

sro.rjoo pius annually ana excellent fringe oenems ror qualified person. For interview call: Mr. Hlrscll G000 HUMOR CORP. Automat I Vg ADMINISTRATIVE Budget Auto Rentals is looking for detail -oriented individual. Re-soontioi titles will include dealing with the public, insurance other offices, fleet control all office oaoer work.

Lit tvolrto necessary. 4932 W. Fulltrton. 622- 6433, AUTOMOTIVE OFFICE Book-keeping accounting background. Diverse duties.Capable talented hard working to work at all Phases.

Salary open based on ability. Call Stoftos. Hoffman Pontiac Inc. 305 ROOSeveiT KO. MaVWOOO.

344-CJOU. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS MEN Long Chevrolet Is expanding. Wt eo p*rn oay nigm parts men. Must have GM dealership ports txper. can kick or odd loraceuo OJJ-eiuu LONf.

CHEVROLET 370 W. Grand Ave Elmhurst AUTOMOTIVE BUSINESS MGR. Experience preferred. Metropoll- ten gm oeoiersnip. gm ana electronic accounting preferred Please send resume to MSR SU Tribune 40611.

AUTOMOTIVE STARTER A AL- TENNATOK RtBU LUtR. Must have recent experience. 533- o-ua AUTO PAINTER yrs. exper, wenaml In sarav booth. Produc tion shop, year ground work.

Good pay, SW-5W0 AUTO PARTS MAN Large Mercedes Bem-Rolls Royco dealership has opening for Inven tory control ex counter nnan. fro-lit sharing, hospital liatlon, vacation. Please apply In person. Set not narris 10EBER MOTORS (US N. BROADWAY AUTO PARTS DRIVER Miscellaneous Dutlea for large suburban CM Dealer.

Excellent working conditions and fringe Be nefits, can nana rreer DICK LUDWtO PONTIAG I InnlM 1m Skokle, II 474-0000 AUTO PARTS DEPT. MALE OR FEMALE Driver A Cnunteraerson combine. tlon. Prefer GM experience. Con tact James doormen.

zv-evw lukcn buick in utenvicw 1620 Waukegan Rd- Olenvlew AUTO PARTS MAN Prefer DataunHMtla Pin, Set Lenny 6 in. Won-Frl, t-S HENRY 5U5IC IMPORTS IMi St Dei Platan AUTO SALES EXPERIENCED NW'i lartafr it alum Chavnr dir. Breaks all earnings records. Check this S7S tal. 30 percent of profit.

30 percent of alt after sale. Comm. on It I and reserve. Demo. Vol iDlffi.

Warr. comm. If vou ara not a self-starter and hungry don't a ta pir, our ii you ara ine rigm pereon call for an appointment Ask tor Lionel Lewis or Georgt Brasch 425-2000 service tnevy. Hen cm. timwooo Kan.

AUTO SALESMEN Eip'd tpanlstfspeakfng auto sales men wanted for ine tasitsr growing Pontiac deeler in Chlcagoland. sHeavv advert Ulna, short hours, free demo. 133000 per yr salary comm. bonus, tf you have exc. references can iw moay lor an interview.

ttULWI DICK MCFE ELY PONTIAC SJWJ BKUAUrfAT AUTO SALES Needed at encel due to expansion for our sales facilities. Join one of the fastest growing Ford teams In the Chlcagoland area. Top pay plan, demo turn lined, many be- news, tiper, noi necessary, wan tor an eppi. AUTO SALES PERSON Er-pd. person In auto sales to lolti start of growing nw oeoiersnip.

Salary, commission. Insurance and Ire. denia. Aoolv onlv If vou are tegrisslva and provisional. For IPPt.

can r-KibNuanir ruiiu AUTO SALES cxper. amy 10 sen new any vico. Salary, comm. tonus, demo, good noura. Kignr man can meat a.

Call Bob Phillips Norwood Dodge 333 Northwest Highway 7U-220T) AUTO SALESMAN Eiperlenced new cer salesman for old sstabllshed Lincoln Mercury dealership. Salary plus commission. Mike McCarthy Lincoln Mer cury, ooou yvoaiern Ave, Chicago. AUTO SALESMAN atirjarlenfed. New I.

used. Self. starters, willing to work under proven method. Salary, commission asterno rurnisneo. jea-ojw, Ask For pat nameit, AUTO SALES TRAINEE If vou always thought you could sell end went to learn to sell Ford cars and trucks, call Mr.

Howe or Mr. Joecnens it Jack loiius t-ora, J2S-10SO, AUTO SERVICE MGR. Large North side GM dealer wants an espert service manager capable of oreeniilng shops a. developing business. Must have ex-cellent references.

125,000 all co. benefits. Send resume to MSO 525. iriDune, ouott AUTO TOW TRUCK DRIVERS Nignr wore, Appnr in person 100 VV, BERTEAU AUYOYftufk SALES: NEW Expd. only.

ouTstanoine opporri tv fa loin small sales staff In 14 volume dealership, 130,000 salary 4- comm. Annual income eeslly in reecn or applicant wnn raienr drive. Demo, fully paid vacat on. pension plan and many other bo netlts. Apply In person to Salei UAVUVINSOM FORD 4100 W.

95th St. Oak Lawn AUTO wraekln. yard need driver I4S-8283 In bread A eastrv. Jij day week. Sun.

thru Frl. oam to 3pm. Hanover-Birtlett arte. For appt. call W-3000 BAKER Experienced Benchman.

Vl-1150 Darlen, BAKER Oraad A bench gd wages hrs 1744 eeimonr BANKING UNIVERSAL TELLER Wa are seeking a Universal Teller. Must he exper'd. 1-3 yrs pref. An excellent difference record necessary. Must have neat aopearanco A good personality.

Excellent be-neflts. B29-4764 Netlonal Republic Bank ol Chgo. SOO S. Recine. Mr.

Drless BANK TELLERS Crowing South side bank needs tellers Wltn a minimum tv.i perlence. aaia ery commensuratt Willi ability, please respond to P.O. Box 20400, Chicago auoai R. L-Out af Town for Salt Unit FLORIOA-Avoa Par mr maior attraction. Wtll tolll 3 BR.

111 ee CB home. Variety of truit. value 134,000. 813-453-4910 FLORIDA Priv. loll for ult In Capo Corl Naples.

Please call Mr. iviarer BZ-4U otter izrtoon INDIANA Union Mint Mod 3-4 Br. 2 Car ar, ca, puiter want. Ml. gai.

bsmt. 12 nu E. ol Valparaiso. 767-1M Minnesora-40 acres, cabin sir, near lakt irlver. 83.JCO.

(MO down. Broker. Oululh MISSOURI232 A. tarn) lenced. 180 A.

pasture, deep well. 7 pond), 7 rm attractive home, Irptc, lurnace. irate, ad barn feedthed, on us a. nail rt, Hwy 17. i 70.000.

Will tell on terms. Write: L. Hickman, 304 2nd Summersvit-le. Mo. 65571 or call 4I7-932-4276 OKALAMOA-146 acres.

Red River, bottom farm, Eiceilet Po-tential 44" rain fall area. Shallow water. This Is the most oeouituful vertirelt area. On the Red River. Improvements: 1 3 bdrm, brk home, 1 port, tentant hse, 1-3 bdrm brk tentant hse.

40,000 bu drain dryer storage. 1 Irrigation system. 7 hay a eouip barns. 1 butter wsrtop shop bide. All eouip.

1805 master 4 wdr, wcab air. 1 case 1700 4 wr, 14.000 Ford, 1-8400 Ford. Ford wcab a air, 1 G1000 Moline, I-M2 Gleaner Comb. 1-95 John Derr Comb. 2 GMC 2 ton trucks.

Disc, ptowt, toray rigs, and all other equipment needed to maintain a sizable farm Ine operafeon. rattle a horses. SI 12S per ace. 29 down. Owner finance 8 interest.

Will lease back. For further Intormotion; 285-8885 TEXAS-Eic farm near Houston, Tens. 1800 acres with I'l mile highway frontage. $1300 acre. 29 down, owner finance.

8 interest. For further Intormation: 405-38S- 885 Wisconsin Central: Grocery store, tavern, dance hall, pool room 3 bedroom living ouarttrs, on ,40 wooded acres, near good fishing lakes, food deer hunting area, presently grossing approximately 120,000 annually. Price -J1SM0O. eegert Realty. 715-421-1333- Wisconsin: Central Farms-Homes Business-Lake-Huntlng properties.

Write lor Brochure: Walfi Real Estate, 837 s. Central Mar- shfield, Wl 54449 715-187-4547 WISCONSIN Artist's 7tm Home. ViA Het SI 70 715-228-4531 Retirement Opportunities are also listed In our 'RETIREMENT LIVING' tlassltlcatlon-pteast cruet Indel R. E. Wanted WITHIN 24 HOURS! We will matt you ash offer on pyour presently owned real estate, AH properties are considered, unll- 1, suited funds.

Call MS Isstl Vow will pleased. Call Mr. HorowllJ. HOGAN FARWELL 'MARKEN REALTY CROUP "THE GAME IS TRADES" rWt will take your property In tirade I Wt can da It quickly a vtvofesslonallyl This Is our field of tipertlte. Call me for personal All ryot property considered! Steve Wolf JM-1100 HOGAM ft FARWELLr "MARKEN REALTY GROUP I REAL ESTATE WANTED We Need Apartments.

units or more. Call 799-0820 WE'LL BUY. SPOT CASH Houses. Apt Mdas. North.

ELROD 528-7400 Ve sell 3 of our marketable listings. List with us a start stacking. Free market evaluation. Call Mr. Earl MOM 338-5500 WANTED by pvt.

party, 2nd home, yacation home, etc. Reas. 392-0361 nFVELOPFR wants ShoDDino Center or Strip Centers. 282-272? SELLING? 237-5120 PONTARCLLI CAN SELLI 'NORTHNORTHWEST Buying? Selling? Call GENOELL 7S-S317 All Cash for homes 2-3-4 flats. Mosclckls Rlty 233-2700 Will buy up to 4 aott.

So. SW only. ALL CASH. 230-3773. All Cash for your Property Wust be NW.

ALLIED 485.1500 Schneider Realty-Guaranteed Sales. Fast action I 54S SH00 Will buy your home All cash N.W. area PEDES m-fKO Employment Agnciei STOP! LOOK. CALL! For these position owoiting you Secy to Pres. tiec.

secy. Legal Secy W5O-910 'Diet. Secy' Secy. No Shorthand "Typing Suprv. Purch.

Typlstt Admin. Aide "General Office $800-900 $750433 $450-750 $575450 $595450 S4S7-IN To arrange your Interview call He. Byrne at 344-9434 Hallmark Personnel, Inc. 333 N. Michigan RECEPTION LAW OFC.

i $700 MO Small Law firm Is seeking person wha has a aood personality and appearance. Must have typing Skills of 45-50 w.p.m. Will set up Interviews, arrange client appoint. ments, look up titles, file, type and a variety of olflct duties. Set or kAO PAHS FIRST 21 E.

Jactaorj 3rd Floor MANAGEMENT TRAINEE $12,000 This company putt vou In trafn log program wnicn compnnir prtf- pare vou lor management. Start by interviewlns loan applicant! and making investigations. You'll then move ud to credit manager and r- assist In training new people. Call Julia Schopick at 144-70M. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE 150 S.

Wacter, Suite 600 PERSONNEL INTERVIEWER You'll be responsible foe Inter- viewing applicants, checking beck- Jt rounds and references, dealing 'with agencies and handling pre-wrlmlnary testing of potentlaf tmp-- lovees for well-known service firm Must enioy public con-tactl Average typing and related eiporlenct desired. Employoreevs te. Rnland. Greyhound. 30 N.

Michigan. 781-7200. Roland Evan- ston. 1003 orringron. uavis e-oeeg.

PRINTERS Plant Mgr All Oeptg ttOK Estimator Cusl Serv 1I3K4- SALES PRTG S10KCOMM Typeset M04. Multis SIS0 Cordon 14 50 Proofrdr $5-7 Oavldion is 00 Hirrls-lc 7-i Mlehles IS-t Stripper $5-4 Heideiberts S5- Cutter AB Dick S4-4VIP Kerod COMPANIES PAY OUR FEES MONARCH 7W1200 331 MICHIGAN RECEPTION FOR LAWYERS I $650 MONTH Nri ftfilv attfaetivft iDDUriwi. tflc tiperlenct. and tovt ol pub coniact lor pretTigiout ironi gpot at malor Chicago law firm. You'll gieet Important clients, get to know famous lawvtrt and judges.

Handle phones take massages for friendly "stiff. Lots of public contact) Any reception eiPtrlence a plus) Emo- tover pavs fee. Roisnd Grevhound, 30 Michigan. 78 1-7200. EXECUTIVE MGMT.

TRAINING $11,000 This Is an Important eiecutlve position ottering vou outstanding po-tentlel In a business with a con- stent eye on the luture. Handle special esiignmems ano oirecr personnel. Call Julia Schopick at BUSINESS MEN'S CLEANING HOUSE 150 S. Waoer, Suite 4O0 DO YOU DESIRE MANAGEMENT? This trowlnt firm It willing to completely treln you In ill aspects tf management. You'll gain In.

into all business procedures. and advance rapidly to an Impor tant management position i.ail ue-kblt MoOlev at 144-7000 BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSPi 1W S. Wacker, Suite M0 EX GI'S Vanagemenl Trainees. TH 202 S. Slate 427-tvM RECEPTIONIST rll Dalle Of Sunday ARBER Stylist Wanted, oil me.

Call: time. Call: AoaiR HAIR STYLIST Exp. Immed openings. Laoranqe area, can ao-aw a uLinc ftTftK Lnunoe. North side.

Ask for Ves esUVSS Afltr-NnFR WANTED Oay time. 5900 South Western. 474-5000 EAUTICIAN-Exp. hair stylist. No evenings.

5 Days. 5421 w. Da- noo. 6vuu EAUT1CI AN day wk, off Mon. No eves, will take recent grao, lutipi time.

nMerL. BEAUTICIAN exp Thurs-Frl-Sat even, ooir win aree zvo-evw rfautician. Exod. Pt. or Full Time.

Llncolnwood SU4-2275 Beauty TRA NEE FOR MANAGER t7SO per month Several reilebie independent tlrlt seeking lont term career and wll-lint to undergo extensive training) are needed for our hair removal lleld. 100 tuition credited. Call 234-4345 BEAUTY CULTURE Teacher Trkoci School. Elmhurst cjj-oi in 1LLING. titles, contracts.

New car dealer SW suburbs, exc work ing conditions, super nose, pien, nice hrs. Please submit restene of exp salary requirements to: MSR 401 Tribune 60611 BINDERY OPERATORS Permenent positionsfor expert- stitcher, trimmer, penecr gathering, IV cutting machine operators. On 2nd 3rd shift. Top rate M.4I per Iw.

night shift premium. Call or wrltt personnel deet. 412-447-7200. THE WEBB LOMrANT looo Sheoard Rd. St.

Paul. Min nesota 5S114 tguat opponuniTT etnpioTgr BINDERY tULUtK cut I BIS OPERATORS Top saw. frln.e henelits. 7 Wkt vecatlon after 1st yr. Plenty of overtime, noiioavs, tic 5V3-JUJ BOOKKEEPING BOOKKcEPtKTYPlsIi Experience with figures and adding maching necessary.

Typing 55 worn. Top pay. Monday-Friday. -5. Paid vacation and other benefits.

ArCLT IN EBONYJET MAGAZINES 820 S. Michigan av. or call Ms Henderson 766-7604 Equal Opportunity Employer BOOKKEEPER Full charge. Eitabllsncd arowlnej painting contractor needs an ei perlenced person to handle tht complete office functions. This very important crtaiienoing posi tion otter flooa earnings iuii benefits.

Ray N. Elvarl Co. mM N. May St. 666-2W BOOKKEEPER Eaptlenced.

Monday thru Friday. I am to 5 em. HERITAGE CADILLAC IN w. Roosevelt Lombard see or can rvtr. jay ozr-jjuu RODKICFFPER Downtown office seats experlenct bookkeeoel with flood tVDlng skills.

Send resume to: Boa MSR 040 Tribune aoon. BOOKKEEPER-GENERAL OFC Mechlne. Small congenial Loop Real Estate. Salary open. Bonus.

Good opportunity. RAo-4614. AOnKKFFPFR Retail experience orelerred. Ex cellent opportunity. Good salary.

Neer west suouro. joj-jouu. BOOKKEEPER Also MISC. Of. flee Duties, Skokle area, call Mr.

Hunt 267-lMCt BRICKLAYERS Location St. Thomas More Church-Elgin West side schooi-Batavia Louise white cnooi-Baiavn Napervllle Nursing Center St. James Hospital-Chicago HII. Blrchwood Nursing hom*o 7360 N. Sheridan Rd.

Etche 8, Lee 304-1880 BRICKLAYERS Experienced meson for full ftmt yeer round employment In rebuilding molten metal furnaces. Plant rates, excellent benellts. Apple R. LAVIN SONS INC. 342 S.

Kedile av. Equal opportunity employer BRICKLAYERS Various Locations SATURDAY WORK JOHNSON CO 032-1021 BRICKLAYERS Hansen Hempel. Various locations. Inside work. Call 834-1230 Equal Opportunity Employer.

BUILDING INSPECTOR Applicant must have mln. of 5 yrs, exper. In construction or municipal field. Saiery range to $15,000. Resumes should be submitted to E.

Beckner Administrator, 221 S. Main Bartlett. III. 60103. BUS DRIVERS SCHOOL Perm.

p.t for No. side school but co. Min. age 22. 677-1300 BUTCHER Grocery store experlenct required.

Good seles technique, 287-2534 Buyer To 81,000 Mo. Start Reise in 40 deys Herdware or plianblng or related buying exper. is a must. Your Inquiry For details Is Invited. Ms.

Barger 842-4800 After CAB ORIVER-Clean car, gd ml. air. Call 784-1474 CABINET MAKERS. Experl. enced only for fixture plant In Reno, Nevada.

Top pay. Call 702-3J9-4700 CABINET BUILDER For convention exhibits. Must bt experienced. Call 372-3917. CAFETERIA Serve food In ofllct cafeterias.

Full or part time 227-9145. CANVASSERS REMODELING tt SPECIALTY Experienced on phone to work with top closers. Salary or commission, or both, your choice. Apply 10 to 3pm, 3740 W. North aik lor Mr.

Arnold 235-4777. CARETAKERS- High class. Sober and ambitious couple for maintenance of beautiful modern funeral home. Prefer middle age or mature people, salary open. 2Vi room furnished apt.

provided. No experience necessary. Must be reliable. Reply to: MSL 084 Trlbuni' 60411 CARPENTER CREWS Must be experienced In all types of general remod. Plenty of work even.

Call If you are ready to to It work. Mon. -Frl. alt. 10 a.m.

284-2112 ask for Jack. CARPENTER Full service Carpenter. Must bt experienced In all pluses of remodeling. Must have own transportation. See Mr.

White, 3740 W. North 235-6777. CARPENTERFOREMAN Must work with tools, heve knowledge of blueprints, exp In showroom work, custom cabs, remod, ten carpentry. Call 235-1895 or in-1108 after 8 pm CARPENTERS Highest pay In town. Start Immediately.

Vr. md. wk. Call Dennis: 681-0071. CARPENTERS-UNION Garage door Installation.

Apply In person. 301 Elsenhower Lent Lombard, III. uecicco overneao poor co. ARPENTERS-lnterlor Rouoh" Trim Eaves, carpenters wanted for Downers Grove area. GALLAGHER HENRY 497-9900 CARPENTERS Experienced in kitchen bath remodeling.

Full time work. 10553 St Western Ave 239-0909 CARPET SALES $25,000 Earn this more. Professional carpet salesmen or saleswomen desired by a large carpet dept. store. Commissions on Installations many Incentives to increase your earnings.

Call now. CARPETS GALORE 284-6230 8tale OastoltVt- AUTO ASST. OFFICE MGR. Need eip. bookkeeper for this responsible position.

Should be familiar with auto accts. procedures. Willing to treln person wprevlous auto tip. We offer excellent pay ft fringe benefits. Pleasant wottunt conditions.

W00DF1E10 FORD ttS KOI RD. SCMAUMBURG. IL MI-OWO AUTO PAINTERBODYMAN Combination bodyman and painter. Full. time 5050 man.

deva a week. to Eiperlenced onlv need apply. Full benefits, appiv person. JACK BROWN BUICK iWth ana Western Avt. Chicago Heiants AUTO ASST.

BODY SHOP MGR. Needed for Font dealership. Must have eiporlenct, preferably on domestic cars. Salary rangei SIOOO. J.OOO.

lomecr Jim Keynotes. PACKEY WEBB fORD WHEATON tolMTti AUTO TITLE CLERK SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Eseerienct preferred but will train. Full time. Permenent. Salary open.

Contact Barbara Rick. 5TACtr rOKD 571-3500 Evan-ton. ILL. AUTO TRUCK PARTS COUNTERMAN Northwest Ford Truck Sates, Ine aouu n. Anennneim Koaa CAntlln D.rh.

III. DAY SHIFT, Union shop with til union shop benefits. Call Parts Manager. Jot O71-7i0o AUTO SERVICE WRITER NW sub. dealtrettlP lut ImmH.

opening for service writer. contact Ron Llcko 3W-tww ARlalNbTON rAKIV UUUUQ AUTO BODY SHOP MGR NW sub. deelershlp ties opening Inr hnriv hoD man.oer. Please contact Ron Llcko 392-6300 AKLINL (UN rAKK. UUUUB AtlTn Experienced switchboard operatorservict cashier needed for growing dealership.

Good sal- ary for right person. Call taurt Bir-710J. AUTO ASST SERVICE MANAGER With somt office experience. Full tenetiis. pension Plan.

tiivu AUTO BILLFB Wt in trowing north tldt tuft deeler In need of tiller, wt will train anyone with either tnd auto-ntobilt or tccountint background for this Important position. We offer too nav and benefits, oleasant working conditions with friendly people, riease ceil mr. reen ur Mr. Hynet for in Interview. 3M- tswi.

DICK McrEELY PONTIAC AUTO BODY SHOF MANAGER Must have tsp. and followint Top pay aV cond Apply Mr. Fermo LOR EN BUICK In GLENVIEW U20 WAUKEGAN RO ULtNVItW AUTO BODY MAN Largt auto body shop need com. plete body men with tools. Exp.

roinmki. basis. Lots ol work. 2547 N. Llncohl Ht-iUD AUTO BODY MEN.

Expd. li rell- eoie. rvtusi nave own ioois. cxci pay. nw cnicago -jjr-vsoj.

AUTO BODYMAN experienced, have own tools, plenty or work. clean shop, commission. 3y-tooi AUTOMATIC SCREW MACH Top pay benefits for Automatic Screw Mach. (Multiple spindle: Oners, when vou loin our expand Ina A.S.M. Dept.

in well estab. A Ir1lna mfs. firm. Hlrlna for all shifts, overtime opptles 10 night shift premium. Apply in per.

ah n. -ll P.r.nnn.l- AETNA HFABING COMPANY tat W.Parker 227-2410 tguat uppommiiy employer AUTOMATIC SCREW MACH Exp. operatorssetters for Brown ft Slurpee DAAVENPORTS. Good wages benefits. Apply In person, pentagon, inc.

vot vv, Ivannoe, senmer ranu otiue AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REBUILDER Interstate Transmission szamitz AUTO MECHANICS (21 With Wheel Alignment Est Full Expd Only-Permanent sns to S360 Per Week silah volume Breke-P-End Shoe Breke-O-Mtl 2420 Greenbay Rd Evanston unv-jtoi AUTO Mechanic Exo. Wanted Full time. 21 Yrs or older. Must have own tools. Lilt a heavy mechanical work In largt volume gas station, suwit trtt.

uti 04-V0 AUTO MECHANIC Renault experience. Full company benefits. Only top notch men need apply. Frank Oemme Imports, AO- dison. lit.

P4J-VJ3U w. wanocK AIITfl MFCHANIC Eiperlenced In carburetor ttjttk motor tune-up. 7418 W. Touhy 1 33-3635 AUTO MECHANIC Volvo experience necessary, tt.ariv work. Excellent oav plan.

Contact Mr. Maimer at Ml-raOQ. AUTCi MECHANIC Pnralan and domestic. Eroerl, tnced. tt per hour.

Contact Carl cnris. ssHwe. AUTO MECHANIC WANTED Mut ha avnerlenf ed. Own tnnls. 1 day work week, salary open.

Rich. Mfc-OU AUTO MECHANIC Foreign car experience. Bit oppty. Full benefits. 225-7024 AUTO MECHANIC HELPER Appiv in person an.

a pa 2800 W. Irving Perk positions, please to: Oept. 675 fttadaaeA taaart en a recent a turvty of ga) hoes wafted acta placed) tie major aneroi)c4tfi newspaper. v. a.

ll Huucago Employment Agenciei ACCOUNTANTS $10,000440,000 CWcogo's largest Accounting, Financial Consultants have the finest selection of professional positions OYOiloble today. Before you accept any position, see us to determine your real value and potential career advancement. Client corporations assume all service charges. STAFF ACCOUNTANT $20,000 ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS $20,000 COST BUDGET MGR $23,500 V.P. FINANCE $35,000 (3) CONTROLLERS $25,000 SENIOR AUDITOR $25,000 FINANCIAL ANALYST $25,000 ASST.

COST MGR $23,000 FRESH GRAD ACCT. $14,560 CASH MANAGER $25,000 PROFIT PLANNING $25,000 INTERNATIONAL AUDIT $22400 FIN. ACCT SUPERVISOR $20,000 TAX SPECIALISTS SENIOR PLANT ACCT. $23,000 For confidential interview please forward your resume, or contact MR. M.

KEELER directly att 977-1300 The Accountants MANAGEMENT RESOURCES 977-1300 30 N. loSALLE ST. 25th FL PRINTING Offttf Plant Manager ttt-xm Production Operator! Estimator Web Ollset Keyboarders U-a 3t Press 19 Typosllor SS4 lc Press $7 Proofreaders ABOickM FoldCut 7- MultlllthSS Malnt Mech S7.50 Letterpress SO CORONET RM 1635 WHERE CO? PAY THE FEB 922-8889 14 JACKSON TRAIN TO ASSIST LAWYER! $900 MONTH You'll handle ehonei. et urn polntmtnti, greet clients, fudge no villi irrtj tjniorntir ntjitv iw din lawvtrt malor Chicago law firm wim rtsearcn tor legai vneis BfenaratkMi (or court, corraioond met. Accurate typing ami otikt txperienct aeiinra.

nr. wttK. Empiovtr pan tee. RECEPTIONIST FOR HIGH FASHION OPTICIANS Trendy lenses trt In and you'll be trelned to use your keen feshlon eve In helping patients pick up-to-the-minute frames. You'll have other duties too.

Typing ol course, soma Dottln. Ideal spot for per. son who loves to help people look tneir test, ivy 3150 Lincoln 4770 Lincoln J7M40O employer pays an ivt lees TRAIN WITH NATIONAL FIRM $11,000 TO START No tiperlenct needed I This firm offers vou training program covering all management procedures. The knowledoa vou aala hera will prepare you to advance. Call Jullt Knotica at 346-nwu BUSINESS MEN'S HQUSPJ 158 S.

Wacker Suite M0 BOOKKEEPING SECY fOR AUCTIONEERS TRAVEL TOO-S1S5-170 You must bt dynamo tt keep pace In this fesLmovInt field. Boss needs top-notch assistant to travel the midwest on 2 or 1 dey assignments, type reports, do the books. Great opportunity with smart-thlnklng person. Ivy 31 50 Lincoln 35 M10 4770 Lincoln 27S-O4O0 Employer pays an ivy fees Administrative MO0 PUBLIC AFFAIRS Major nationel association based In Chlcego has an ettrectlvt position as an administrative assistant to tht director of lit public affairs dept. Good edmlnislreiive, Inter-personel, end typing skills essential.

Three raises in first yeer. STAR 7171407 133 N. Michigan RECEPTION (WILL TRAIN. PERSONNEL MANAGER S7.S7W Vet greet to meet ill tht pew people, help them with orientation and forms. Some office eioerl.nce and typing desired.

You'll elso sc reen eppticenis applying for posh tlons. check and hrk. ground. Gr.el opportunity to learn HI about the personnel lleld. Com- 'si PA.GR Kit W.

Irving Ph. 471 37 TELLER TRAINEE Complete tubllc contact loot for toned parson with math aptitude, tieura You'll bt trained esmelatelvl Salary Open. Bt Saturdays! tmployer pars tee. oland Greyhound. N.

MlChl- in of Employment Agenciei UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SITUATION! $11,000 TO START Do you want an inter esting, challenging position with a skyrocketing firm? If so, you'll want to in vestigate this opportunity right nowl Be in full charge of spe cial training programs. Complete train ing program. Your de sire for a business career can easily be satisfied here. Call Debbie Mobley at 346-7000. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE 150 S.

Wacker, Suite 600 Oatt Processing SYSTEM 3 CHALLENGE RESPONSIBILITY AUTHORITY OPPORTUNITY ADVANCEMENT era HHirfte when vail ana ran. ducting search for new lob In todays market. There trt over S0O System 3, 32 and 34 Data Centers ine cnicago nnerroponien area. Finding the right company who can meet your needs and desires can Indeed be challenge. Business Management Personnel hat specialized EDP counselors who can help vou In Your search.

Wt have current openings at all levels Operations, Programming, Systems and Management. For addi tional intormation concerning tour Market value call: STEVE RIESS TTl-Oii uiinen Manaoamani personnel UO S. wacker Or. US Employers pays ret COLLEGE GRADS! TRAINING POSITIONS Public Relations, Trn 1,400 Auditor 12,000 Underwriter 1 0,600 Mnrlratinj 11PW1 Retail 1 1,000 Finance 1 0,800 Production 13,000 Sales Trainee 12,400 Accounting 2,500 ItT US HELP YOU SECURE A JOB. CALL US FOR DETAILS ZENITH 202, S.

State 427-1995 LIAISON TRAINEE $10,000 Variety position that will prepare vou to move Into sales or management. Handle correspondence, customer liaison- Be in contact with II department managers, complete training. Call OeMm Mobley at 144.7000 BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE 150 S. Wacker, Suite 600 Jr. Accountant 6-9 HRS.

ACT. No tiperlenct necessary. One of tht foremost corporations has tremendous opportunity for an ambitious bright beginner. ZENITH 202 S. STATE 427-1095 Administrative 1800 PUBLIC AFFAIRS Malor national association based In Chicago has an attractive position as an administrative assistant fo the director of its oublic affairs dent.

Coed administrative. Inter. peraonel, and typing skills estere nai. inret raises in first veer, STAR m-tiO? 131 N. Michigan COLLEGE DEGREE? Liberal Arts.

English. Martetlne, Speech Business. Math, Computer Science. Advertising, Biology. Life Science.

Accounting! II Whatever your malor, our clients offer tht most comprehensive, high-paving training programs available. For raore information, pieese cei ROLANDGIIEVHOUKll 30 N. Michigan 781-7790 EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Great wey to break Into pufllthlnt lleld I You'll be trained to do proofreading, handle layout and paste-up, leern to set type for flnel camero-reaov form. Neea oooo tvi Ing, English skills, somt olflct experience. S140 week lust tt stem Downtown.

Employer pays fee. Round-Greyhound. 30 N. Michigan, swroo. Interviewer in Personnel Internat'l service firm neede bright person to Interview clerical applicants, give tests, check refer.

ences, process connaennoi record! and handle earn, proiecti, SCHIELO PERSONNEL 7W-7WI4 SS E. WASHINGTON SUITE 715 Travel Agency You will be trained ta deal with clients scheduling airline hotel and resort reservations. Typint 40 warn, lite steno. High sterling sal ary Plus rree novel privileges. Employer pays fee.

Call 372 M9S SUNDAY 1 Wkdvs all day. Variety, inc. 210 N. Michigan Av. Pvt.

employment agency. ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT ,000 MONTH I Oegree or related experience desired. You'll assist friendly Comptroller with finenclal statements, analyses, cost accutmtlna. Oil mm yxu bslong en tho industry's leading team? Join the leaders at Link where modern simulation technology was born nearly 50 years ago.

Stimulate your mind and your future through participation in planning, conceptual design and technical direction for our world-wide simulator markets. Recent staff upgradings have generated a number of new requirements. Our Binghamton headquarters is located near the Catskill and Adirondack Mountains, a perfect site for four-season activities. Great summer fun, hunting and fishing 5-10 minutes from your home, ski areas nearby. Excellent area school systems and multi-school, Wt Aavrj Immediate openings lor technically Innovative engineers with a minimum of live yeart experience In these areas: Aircraft Tactics Experience In tactical systems design Including Attack Radar, Rhaws on-board computers and weapons systems.

Understanding of real-world operations required. Simulation experience preferred. BS In Engineering or equivalent required. Navigation Communication Systems Experience In Inertial systems related to Navigation Communications Background In 'aircraft systems, systems design and real-time computers required. BS in Engineering or equivalent required.

Visual Systems State-of-the-art design experience In closed circuit high resolution color T.V. cameras, CRT displays, video Image generation and computer graphics. BS In Engineering or equivalent required. Training Systems Engineers with MS or equivalent In technical fields with a minimum of four (4) years directly related experience in simulator instructional systems design. This Includes knowledge of training requirements as well as hardware and software implementation.

In addition, the candidate for this position should have demonstrated leadership skills In previous work assignments. Circuit Design Engineers with B.S. and 4 years experience In Digital and Analog circuit design, computer Interface and peripheral design. multi-discipline State University organiza tion to prepare you or your family for the future. AIR FORCE RESERVE YOUR LOCAL AIR FORCE Use your prior service experience to earn an extra income In a challenging part-time job with the Air Force Reserve.

There's a world ol opportunity for those with air crew training. Your skill pays oft in extra benefits, experience, and added income. There's a place for you with an Air Force Reserve air crew. Meet the challenge and put your training to work (or you. OPENINGS NOW: AIR CARGO SPECIALISTS MEDICAL TECHNICIANS FOOD SERVICE SPECIALISTS CONSTRUCTION SPECIALISTS PLUS MANY MORE Or Fill Out Coupon and Mail Todayl TO: 928TH TAGRS, Chicago O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, ILL 60666 For further Information concerning these forward your resume and salary history SINGER LINK DIVISION Binghamton, N.Y.

13902 An Equal Opportunity Employer, MP City- Phonal 4A0M of duties. Most Intertsilnt firm does, trsphic desieni Employer pays fee. RoiendjCreyhouM. JO N. Michigan.

711-7200. PROFILE 441-0840 gan. ei-inju. nm.

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.