Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (2024)

Aug 11, 2011
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (1)
Yeah, I gets down with the homies

Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (2)

ThatBasqueGuy posted:

Yeah, I made the realization when I tried buying the zwei and poo poo immediately became 10x easier since I had like an extra 3 seconds to hit him between the ultra generous hitboxes and extra reach. Too bad I still need 5 rare weapons to (maybe?) unlock more weapons at the squire.

Keep an eye out for blue franciscas, blue throwing knives.
#?Jun 17, 2024 19:30
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Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (5)
#?Jun 21, 2024 07:33
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Feb 14, 2013
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (7)
someone introduce jojo to lazyb

Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (8)

DisgracelandUSA posted:

Keep an eye out for blue franciscas, blue throwing knives.

#?Jun 17, 2024 19:33
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Aug 11, 2011
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (11)
Yeah, I gets down with the homies

Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (12)

ThatBasqueGuy posted:


Yep. I'm splitting time between fighter and cleric, but with the added stash space, I'm also keeping a stock of quest goods in case I want to spin up ranger or give warlock a try or satisfy my dream of.lesrning how to play wizard.

If you're legendary status, highly recommend it.

#?Jun 17, 2024 19:43
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Nov 3, 2012
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (15)
You idiot.
In this world it's pet or BE pet.

Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (16)

There's no guarantee it will all be the same as last season, but https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JX7y6MHHL9gqEBSIjAwXdlBMAUm8IR0UA0d01kbyh6Q/edit#heading=h.nacabkx0oc00 has a list of all quest items needed in the previous season right up near the top, if you want to start stocking up on stuff.
#?Jun 17, 2024 19:45
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Demon Of The Fall
May 1, 2004
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (19)
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (20)
Nap Ghost
i've settled on fighter, cleric, rogue as the three main classes I play. not very good at spellcasting, so I try and keep it simple
#?Jun 17, 2024 20:16
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Jan 13, 2004
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (23)
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (24)
Are Rogues only good at high level play these days? They seem insanely fragile and not great.
#?Jun 17, 2024 20:23
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Demon Of The Fall
May 1, 2004
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (27)
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (28)
Nap Ghost
i mainly only rat and hit big chests for gear for my other characters on my rogue. also gently caress around with pickpocket and training mobs on other players and then vanishing. i try to avoid pvp and run away when possible. you can still 3 tap most people when geared
#?Jun 17, 2024 20:54
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Aug 11, 2011
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (31)
Yeah, I gets down with the homies

Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (32)

Jiro posted:

Are Rogues only good at high level play these days? They seem insanely fragile and not great.

They're not great at the moment. There's two inherent problems with rogue: invis is overpowered and not fun to play against, and stacking damage bonuses to allow you to explode people isn't very fun to play against.

This culminated, uh, late two seasons ago? Early last season? With the Landmine rogue which could essentially 3 tap any single player from invis if they stacked enough attributes and +DMG. They would hide next to statics / blue portals and pop people as they approached. I believe rogue abilities got nerfed, and we've seen nerfs on gear affixes to combat that, but rogues are left with a pretty weak shell over all.

I think they're still effective with great gear and great skills, but unless you're hand crossbow kiting, it's gonna be a tough play at lower gear and skill levels.

I recommend ranger or bard over rogue, unless you enjoy ratty pvp avoidance.

#?Jun 17, 2024 21:39
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milkman dad
Aug 13, 2007
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (35)

Jiro posted:

Are Rogues only good at high level play these days? They seem insanely fragile and not great.

The build I saw that looks fun uses:
Creep, stealth, ambush, dagger mastery

Hide/weak point

It looked strong but does rely on some patience to find an opportunity for a play.

The alternative build uses rupture and hand crossbow to kite someone down before finishing them.

Rogue isn’t designed to go toe to toe without some chip damage or surprise advantage.

#?Jun 18, 2024 14:07
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Mar 15, 2006
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (38)
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (39)

explosivo posted:

I managed to rope a friend into trying this with me last night and I'm kind of intrigued by the game but I don't think I'm having much fun playing it. The looting feels kind of lame when the world is just littered with chests around every corner that contains random junk in it. I didn't love tarkov because the looting was a bit too granular but at least in that you were scrounging through and searching for stuff while on the lookout for enemies and players. I don't really find the combat all that fun, but because of how out in the open chests are the combat feels like the main draw here since I'm filling up with stuff extremely quickly. Idk, like I said I don't hate what this game is trying to do but I'm not really having any fun with it.
when i played just going around 1-shotting the vases and picking up jewelry was the best $/time invested

looting most of the chests usually sucked except the shiny big ones. only really worth if you were 1-shotting them as barbarian or had high resourcefulness

bind item pickup to mwheel to make looting jewelry easier

#?Jun 18, 2024 17:59
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Nov 3, 2012
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (42)
You idiot.
In this world it's pet or BE pet.

Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (43)

Wooden crates and large chests or bigger tend to be the most valuable things to loot these days. Pots and floor generated loot tends to be low quality garbage that's barely worth picking up even in normals.
#?Jun 18, 2024 18:14
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Feb 14, 2013
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (46)
someone introduce jojo to lazyb

Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (47)

Apparently there's also diminishing returns on your loots, so in an ideal world you'd want to only really loot the high value chests anyways? Dunno how true this is or the numbers on it
#?Jun 18, 2024 18:16
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milkman dad
Aug 13, 2007
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (50)

Einwand posted:

Wooden crates and large chests or bigger tend to be the most valuable things to loot these days. Pots and floor generated loot tends to be low quality garbage that's barely worth picking up even in normals.

In high roller ice caves and crypts you can sometimes find yourself weighing spending the time to clear vs looting “lower” containers/breaking pots. Overall your assessment is right but if you are grinding (and the grind this season is way easier than last…) I would phrase the marginal loot as “situational”— you can get blue trinkets from them and that passes the typical threshold of a 1/2-slotted green trinket.

This is even more relevant this season as ice abyss/inferno have a ton more nightmare variant mobs than we are accustomed to (this is a good change!) and the risk to clear more tiles has increased substantially.

#?Jun 18, 2024 18:31
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Aug 11, 2010
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (53)
Group up and push mid, proletariat!

Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (54)
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (55)

this game owns. been playing mostly fighter lately, with longsword/crossbow and all the +str heavy armor i can find. i dont imagine it's optimal or even especially good but there's something special about counterattacking mobs (and players) to death
#?Jun 18, 2024 18:41
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Aug 11, 2011
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (58)
Yeah, I gets down with the homies

Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (59)

Ruzihm posted:

this game owns. been playing mostly fighter lately, with longsword/crossbow and all the +str heavy armor i can find. i dont imagine it's optimal or even especially good but there's something special about counterattacking mobs (and players) to death

Perfectly cromulent build. Walk slow, swing hard. Just avoid wizards and warlocks.
#?Jun 18, 2024 19:38
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Nov 3, 2012
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (62)
You idiot.
In this world it's pet or BE pet.

Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (63)

Biggest issue longsword fighter has is anyone who doesn't want to melee fight you simply will never be in melee range, at which point you either don't have a ranged option or don't have a shield.
Longsword is a lot of fun though, and I played a bunch of it before my current bard bender.

Einwand f*cked around with this message at 19:48 on Jun 18, 2024

#?Jun 18, 2024 19:42
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Aug 11, 2010
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (66)
Group up and push mid, proletariat!

Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (67)
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (68)

DisgracelandUSA posted:

Perfectly cromulent build. Walk slow, swing hard. Just avoid wizards and warlocks.

Einwand posted:

Biggest issue longsword fighter has is anyone who doesn't want to melee fight you simply will never be in melee range, at which point you either don't have a ranged option or don't have a shield.
Longsword is a lot of fun though, and I played a bunch of it before my current bard bender.

me and my bard buddy got in a high roller tangle vs a wizard and a bard/ranger and I ended up being the sole survivor by chasing down and punching the wizard to death Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (69)
#?Jun 18, 2024 20:30
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Jun 11, 2010
Longsword seems pretty meta for fighter rn because of the ridiculous damage riposte strikes can do
#?Jun 18, 2024 20:32
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Jul 11, 2008
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (74)
Things are looking up...
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (75)
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (76)

rideANDxORdie posted:

Longsword seems pretty meta for fighter rn because of the ridiculous damage riposte strikes can do

The friend I play with is cracked with that poo poo - maybe not to the point he's parrying arrows shot at him - but everything else gets riposted, and that poo poo tends to instantly kill any regular enemies.
It's also funny when he comes up against enemy longsworders who just try to block - seeming to forget that thrusts are extremely difficult to parry, making the longsword an excellent counter to itself.

For my part I've had the most fun with a spear ranger - I find myself using the spear more than the bow sometimes because it is just so drat good.

I also managed to solo a team of three by softening up their wizard with the bow, killing him with a trap (lmao) and then spearing the other two in a clusterf*ck closet battle in pitch darkness. Poking people in the face with the spear kills them very quickly- and I'm pretty sure they ended up hitting each other a good deal in the dark.

My current hurdle is learning how to solo the Troll and Cyclops (usually with my Warlock). I'm finding the Cyclops easier than the troll despite people saying it ought to be the other way around.

#?Jun 19, 2024 17:39
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Nov 3, 2012
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (79)
You idiot.
In this world it's pet or BE pet.

Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (80)

Yeah in my experience cyclops is a lot easier, its attack tells are just infinitely more readable and much easier to dodge, meanwhile troll has a bunch of poo poo that just says you don't get to attack until it's completely finished. I suppose in HR cyclops has a lovely petrifying beam of "you might just die if this hits you" while troll just gets another attack that lets you actually hit it in the head.
#?Jun 19, 2024 18:06
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Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (83)
#?Jun 21, 2024 07:33
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Jul 11, 2008
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (85)
Things are looking up...
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (86)
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (87)
Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (88)
Look at where I froze to death.
(If it isn't obvious, it's like 1 micron from the exit trigger)
#?Jun 20, 2024 06:04
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Dark and Darker: Medieval Tarkov, Dungeons and Dragons Battle Royale (2024)


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