Fort Worth Daily Gazette from Fort Worth, Texas (2025)

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addressed U8HINO Co PUBLISHED EVERYDAY DEMOCRAT PUBLISHING COMPANY Mc PuMtaitton SeccwJ Sf btttceen Houston and Throckmorton Entered at the Fort Worth Texas Potioffee as SecondClass Mail Matter RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION 10 MAIL SUBSCRIBERS Postage Prepaid by the Publishers Dally Weekly 0 0 Yeuz 10 00 I One Year 1 50 Slz Monthb 5 50 Six Months 1 00 TieeMonths 3 001Three Months 50 Sunday gazette 52 per annum postpaid rNVAIUABLY IN ADVANCE DELIVERED BY CARRIERS erWeck 25cents Subscribers wishing their addrosB hanged from one postofllce to another must zlvc the ol 1 address as well as the new or the change cannot be made Eates of Advertising Furnished on Application Remittances by draft postoffice money order or a registered letter at risk of office Correspondence is solicited upon all neics subjects Prompt information of events and neics happenings of general interest solicited and will be properly compensated All communications intended for publication must be accompanied by the tenters name and ad dress not for publication but as an evidence of good faith Parties tenting to The Gazette on business personal to themselves Kill please inclose stamp for reply All letters or communications for The Gazette Khether on business or for publication should be to The Gaette or Democrat Pub Fort Worth Tex AND NOT TO INDIVIDUALS All checks money orders postal notes etc should be made payable to the DEMOCRAT PlJB LISHINO CO THE GAZETTE has the Largest fconaflde Circulation of any Daily tfswsDaper Published in Texas FKIDAY MOBN1MO MAltCH 11 FOR THE DROUTH SUFFERERS Subscriptions to Bay Seed for Western Drouth Sufferers The following donations are for the purpose of buying seed for the people who were rendered helpless by the drouth Gazette employes 5 53 25 JosephH Brown 2o 00 Caeey Swasey 25 00 First Baptist church collection 22 50 A Kallman Implement Company 20 00 WF Patterson 0 00 FakesCo 10 00 Wm Cameron Co 10 00 A MBrltton 10 00 Lloyd 10 00 Van Zandt 10 00 Bateman Bro 10 CO Edrington 10 COW Harrison 10 00 MaxElscr 10 00 Chas SchcuberCo 10 0u JBMitchell 10 00 JGWright 10 00 The MartinBrown Company 10 00 CBDixon 10 00 Evans Company 10 00 Fort Worth Grocer Company 10 00 Pendcry Bros 10 00 Talbot Want Co 10 00 John A Bcrgln Son 10 00 BK Coffman 5 00 Fert Worth Futl Company 5 0 JuddBoyd 5 00 Ward Bros 5 00 McNamara 5 00 Hotel Pickwick 5 00 Turner McClure 5 00 RossHerd A Boss 5 CO WHTaylor 5 CO Williams Co 5 00 Lawson 5 00 Cash 5 00 RM Paga 5 00 JM Hartsfield 5 00 CapcraBro 5 00 Prenltt 5 00 Henry Peak 5 00 St Pauls Church 3 00 William Montgomery 2 00 BLltsoy 2 00 CaBh 1 50 Cash 1 00 EUIottRoc 10 00 John Andrews 5 00 Luke Short 10 00 ZaneCettl 5 00 Malone Waller Co 3 00 Ellis Kcllner 5 00 Randall Chambers Company 3 00 Dick Wynne 5 00 ADahlman 2 50 NCBrooks 10 00 4Stert 5C0 Cah 5 Texas Telephone Light and Power Co 10 ESBlden 5 00 Star Wind Mll 20 CO bash 10 00 EWProvlno a 00 BGPratt 2 00 Henry Schwartz 2 00 WM Young 10 00 Knights cf the Faithful 17 05 PolkBros 10 00 Sam Garrett 2 00 Mrs Roach 5 00 Mrs Jarvls 10 00 South Side Baptist Church 20 70 Ft and Ry 20 00 JercRoche 5 00 Wm Capps 2 00 Sommervlllc Chase 25 00 Cash Northern Longvlew Rev Father Guyot Glen Walker MTJohnson VolHL Co Total Jjfsn disbursed for One car seed oats to Cisco for dltrlbutlon by drouth committee 410 00 Car seed oats and corn to County Judge of Jack ounty by order of droutn committee 213 50 5754 50 623 50 Balance on hand 131 00 FROM ANY SOURCE The uazettk will receive and acknowledge donations from any source for the drouth sufferers If funds are not being raised in other towns where there are parties who desire to htlp these people buy seed The Gazette will be pleased to add such contributions to its list The Gazette is informed that oats may be sown as late as Pilarch 15 and as rapidly as funds accumulate from these donations to buy seed the purchase will be made Without aid to proenre seed for planting these people will be as helpless In the futuie as they are now It Is a cause that appeals to the generosity of all who are able to assist and The Gazette will take pleasure in acknowledging all donations Mrs Pottzr in her talk of elevating the stage is wooing the animosity of older actors Debutantes ought to go THE GAZETTE PORT WORTH TEXAS FRIDAY MARCH 11 slow The patting on the head had better come from the old stagers Who will fill their places Beecher and Eads in the same week gone over to the great majority High license is talked of ior betting privileges Americans will rebel against soch an encroachment you bet induce lunacy The monotony of blanks cannot be expected to foster intellectual strength Hill Which is cause and which effect Beaneating Bostonians now affect Buddhism That is dont cher knaw the latest fad Kentucky has been the battle ground of many struggles and now old Bourbon is arrayed agains prohibition The battle will be waged against a full state ticket nominated by advocates of the latter Minister Pendleton it is said sails for Germany nxt week That class of people who attend to Mr Clevelands business for him will have to appoint some other man as Secretary of the Treas ury or retire from the trade and look after their own affairs as does Mr President Grover Cleveland The heirs of Mathew Crookerwho died in New York in 1871 have recently been notified through a Tennessee lawyer that they are entitled to 5000 acres of land in the eastern part of that state Nearly fifty years ago the land was purchased by Mr Crooker but of so little value was it in his esteem that he did not speak of it to any one and finally allowed it to be sold for taxes It is now estimated at over 1000000 and lawyers are eager te prosecute the claim of the heirs Allen TnoRNDiKK Rick may take comfort his wife can certainly be presented at court if he was refused that honor Minister Phelps with rare diplomacy has secured permission from Her Majesty to present all American ladies who if British subjects would be received The privilege of backing out of imperial pres ence more than amends for any failure which may attend this Ministers efforts in behalf of American fishermen That representative who sends for turkey to eat at Thanksgiving and yet can so cater to Anglomaniacs in the matter of court presentations cannot fail to meet the requirements of a United States Minister Thk people of Dayton Ohio are much exercised over the failure of Congress to appropriate for public buildings in their town as well as the fact that Texas Arkansas Kentucky and Florida were recipients of money for public buildings Tis sad tis truebut these favored states at least had the towns to decorate whereas the memory of some extend to calling to mind a big appropriation made for the improvement of navigation of a stream in a northern state which was engineered through by the district congressman but neither he nor the committee appointed for the purpose could ever find the creek and not being authorized to create one lost the haul Puilad liHians waxed wroth when they learned that although their city can claim a mint trade dollars the work of its hands must be redeemed either at New York or San Francisco Brokers will make a little speculation by buying at from 70 to 88 cents on the dollar although the profit cannot reach more than from 5 to 7 cents on each Of the 30 000 000 issued much has been lost still enough remains in the hands of large dealers and hid away in odd places to keep the clerks of the subtreasuries busy at the redemption of the muchabused coin The estimate made by Treasurer Jordan is that 87000000 of this nolegaltender dollar Is the country but by others this estimate is thought too low To thk workman who carries his tin pall and leaves a humble home which with all its plainness can only be maintained by hard work and strict economy on the part of all the inmates a peep into the palatial apartments of the headquarters of Knights of Labor in Philadelphia would be quite a surprise and might be a cause of discontent To men who are mindful of the fact that orders from such headquarters put thousands of workmen out of employment and subject their families to want of food and fuel the wisdom of so much extravagance will hardly be made apparent Brussels carpets frescoed walls costly chandeliers plushcovered furniture and stained glass cannot be considered necessities and yet from these surroundings were sent out calls to all the members of this association to assist the strikers who were It was stated in great want the same time spend 850000 in providing anofiice for the executive board looks as if the bottom and top were not well adjusted even in an order that claims to have for there must be an exhibit of financial backing and strength It is a difficult undertaking to start a fire Insurance company on the road to public confidence and business prosperity until it makes a showing of its resources But in life insurance the wildest most impudent schemes are bowled along with a degree of celerity and audacity that is little short of amazing It is only a few days ago that the nois that had managed to obtain risks footing up 33000000 An investigation of Its affairs showed that it did not have a dollar and had never had anything in the way cf assets except its charter which cost 8800 The stockholder who furnished the money for the charter received 8100000 of the stock of the concern Of course the people who paid in money to secure their certificates of membership and subsequent assessments on the same were swindled ana what is more they have no redress It is the careless fools who rush into schemes of this kind without even ordinary precaution They ignore institutions long established and of undoubted solvency and reliability to invest in a scheme that is cheap and novel and wind np by getting swindled The same precaution they exhibit in the minor everyday affairs of life would obviate the experience they encounter People cannot be too careful of risking money in new schemes or enterprises and in a matter so important as life assurance it is almost criminal to make a blunder when there are so many signpots to warn the unwarv POLICY OB SINCERITY Whether justly or unjustly the President is the recipient of sharp criticism for his failure to sign the river and harbor bill passed at the late session of Con gress He gave no intimation of disapproval of the measure at least to an extent that could be construed as an indication of a disposition to veto or even pocket it Up to the last moment when he was at the capitol signing bills it was generally believed the measure met his approval and that he would sign It About the only expressions of approbation that amount to anything are heard in New York where the press of both parties opposed the bill which they affected to regard as a monstrous raid on the Treasury losing sight entirely of the greater raids that have been made from year to year in the way of granting pen sions In the south and west public sentiment was very strong in favor of the bill and It had a decidedly respectable following both in New England and on the Pacific slope New York was in fact the chief seat of hostility to the measure and if the President pleased any section by his action New York is that section It is hardly a matter of surprise therefore If Mr Cleveland all the circumstances considered comes under criticism New York Is the pivotal state of the Union At all events it proved so in his case when he was a candidate for the presidency and if he has aspirations for a second term New York may for a second time decide his fate politically People will talk all the world over and the President ought not to be astonished if people take up the Idea that in pocketing this bill ne was hedging for 188b i making his fences strong in New York the section where ho is likely to need strength The southern states as has been said favored the bill The southern states however are considered certain for any man the Democracy may nominate for president and equally certain to give their votes in national convention for any man declared by the northern Democrats the most likely to be able to command the northern and especially the New York vote It is perhaps unfortunate for the President that the criticism tends in the direction it does His mugwump aililia tions and his devotion to the civil service theory have already brought about a certain amount of friction within the party and If the idea concerning his pocketing the river and harbor bill takes deep root it will not be calculated to Improve matters And if the President was guileless of political purpose in his course and acted solely from an honest desire to prevent what he believed to be an extravagant expenditure then it is doubly unfortunate that he should be brought under suspicion that is unjust The country generally speaking regards him as a sincerely honest man disposed to do his duty fearlessly and desires to judge him fairly Subsequent developments will no doubt afford an insight to his motives and it will be matter of common gratification to find that he dealt with this bill In the same spirit that he did with the dependent pension bill as a matter of principle and not of policy To make an assessment of 25 cents on onicers Defied by women each member for such a purpose and at Correspondence of the Gazette Cakthagk Tex March Some time during the month of December 18Si the express oilice at Richmond was robbed Subsequent investigation of the matter fastened suspicion on Deck Ha its object the better equalization of things gan the telegraph operator a the por temporal ter On the day they were to be arrested they fled Mr Hagans wife was at his KEPT UP 1JY FOOLS mothers in the country and Hagan came The fools are not ali dead yet is an old saying The fools never die like the poor they are with us alwaysand so it will be until the end of time Certain enter prises and schemes that are the outgrowth of the times could not live or thrive without the support of the fools Especially is this true of the numerous and varied exploits essayed in the muchworked field of life insurance When a new fire insurance company is put on foot as a rule here A warrant for the atrest of Hagan was yesterday placed in the hands of I Forsyth Sheriff of the county and he proceeded to execute it today He found Mr Hagan at his mothers on the east side of the Sabine river He made the arrest After the arrest was made he undertook to secure his man when Hagan made an effort to flee The Sheriff took hold of him and commanded his deputies five in number to assist which command they failed to obey Mr Hagans mother wife and another lady seeing the timidity of the deputies and fearing nothing tram that source sailed in to help Magna whh they did with a vim completely empowering the Sheriff and tr Jlagau made good his escape 0 Sprlngtown Not sJjf Correspondence of the Gazetted i Sprixutowk TExj IarccRS The farmers are in goodfjSEijitg andjarefRUt ting in large crop 1 Our townspeople are waitmgfou tiptoe Pre8s told of the of a The pursuit of mindreading is said to directors This adjs all Fe needjp company develop the unsurpassfefcftrefoiirces of thfe country Yrhitesboro Notes Corresjrondenco of the Gazette Whitksboro Tex March i The Prohibitionists held a meeting last night in opera hall and elected two delegates to the state convention to be held at Waco on the 15th inst Quite a number of the best citizens responded to this call and lively interest and harmony prevailed throughout A fre ight wreck occurred about one mile this side of Collinsville last night Two flat and two box cars left the track The box cars turned bottom side up and are still there No one was hurt Brariy Notes Correspondence of the Gazette Brady Tkx March 7 Your correspondent met Mr Jonn Sheridan a member of one of the companies prospecting for coal in the northern part of this county a day or so ago in town and while he could not divulge the secret of their findings or state the nature of the strata of rocks gone through he said they were highly pleased with the prospect and that the public might judge of their faith by their works They are now down about 150 feet boring with a diamond drill Stock of ali kinds is in better condition than for many tears at this time of the year Cattle are rolling tat and mutton is actually too fat to eat A light shower of rain fell here yesterday The general impression is that we will have plenty of rain this spring ATOIia News Notes from the Heart of the Great ludtnn Territory Correspondence of the Gazette Atoka I March The weather has been exceedingly mild and pleasant here for several weeks We have had sullicient rain to keep the ground moist and the warm sunshiny weather has brought up the grass and blossomed out the plum and peach trees Cattle went through the winter in good condition and the grass is now getting large eno th to crop nicely This green grass mixed with the old which is almost as good as hay will put cattle into market very early Farmers are busy plowing and some are about ready to plant A good crop year is anticipated and needed for last year the crops were all short There is activity in other directions also The Baptists gave a festival a few weeks ago for the repairing of their house of worship and realized over S100 The Presbyterians give one tonight of the same kind and hope to raise a large sum for a church and academy to be located at this place The district ministers meeting of the Methodist church is now in session at this place and promises to be very profitable A large number of ministers are in attendance The merchants are doing an excellent business for the season cf the year and everybody seems to be wearing a bright countenance a A HIM TO THE LEGISLATURE How tlie Kanch and Granker Interests of Texas may ba Compromised Fokt Wokth March 71SS7 To the Editor ot the Gazette Queensland is a British colony much like Texas It has a large ranch interest in conflict with a granger interest and its legilation I think wisely compromises the claims of both interests A copy of its land law subsequently somewhat modified is sent you hererewith Its main points you will note are that fie ranchmen set leases subject to roads and water reserves for traveling stock until their ranches are required for farmer settlement that by a vote of both houses of Parliament any ranch lease maybe resumed when however the ranchman is paid for his improvements that large areas quite in excess of settlement requirements are in all districts from time to time as required resumed and set apart for settlement and these can be bought by actual settlers for agriculture or stock farms but by actual settlers only and in areas not exceeding six or eight sections Till purchased and fenced there Is on these farm settlement areas free grass Would not this compromise suit Texas I may mention that for many years Queensland New Zealand aud other British colonies at the other end of the world have been profitably shipping frozen carcasses of cattle and of sheep to England that ranchmen themselves began these enterprises and that there cattle sell for more than and ranch lands for five times Texas values that further security of tenure has induced ranchmen to place expensive improvements such as fencing woodsheds wash pools and for collecting water on their ranches without which sheep cannot profitably be kept Under their system the cose of keepiog sheep including shearing and carriage of wool to seaboard is about 25 cents per sheep The decrease averages about 3 per cent and the gross Income now is about SI50 per sheep per year Investigation of these points by your legislatorsand by ranchmen will pay Glen Walker BRAUNSCHWEIGS RED FLAG Anarchists Hold Another Meeting and Bellow for Blood Xew York Star Three hundred anarchists some socialists a few ladies and Sergeant Wilson of the Fourteenth precinct with ten of his men in civilian clothes comprised the audience last night at Con cordia Assembly rooms No 2G Avenue A William Hasselmann an exmember of the German Reichstag spoke an hour and a half denouncing Bismarck Moltke and socialists and lauding the practices of the anarchists and their ilk His endeavor was probably too tame for August Braunschweig one of Wednesday nights heroes for after a man named llandmann gave vent to his screeching voice for a quarter of an hour Braunschweig got on the platform received the applause of his admirers and then said It will never do to throw the saviors of the workingmen Into a i ii fiMwjn SOIU SURE RGtS PROMPT rAt UnvoanTfl ami Dkalxkc rilEdtUIIKS OflEIEK COJULTIUOREBD will rise from the crave and shriek Fight them Fight them with their own weapons Away with the parliament Away with the balot nonsense The J8000 votes the workingmen cast has made their condition no better if not worse Every reform has been brougnt about bv force and the workingmen should be taught anarchism Braunschweig made himself conspicuous by wearing a bloodred bankerchief in his coat pocket and interrupting the speakers with hoarse cries of Good Just so Shame A prominent lawyer of the Kast Side of imposing appearance was mistaken by many for Sergeant Wilson and received a good deal of at tenti The anarchists intended to celebrate the anniversary of the commune at Ger mania Assembly rooms March 20 but Rgelmaun the proprietor has informed the committee tnat they must seek some other place ru BELL TELEPHONE TROUBLES Working for Delay In Boston and Knocked Out lu Canada Boston Mass March 3 Tbe Bell Telephone Company through its ollicers andcounse today filled an important motion in the United States Circuit court regarding the governments suits to break the patents The company asks leave lu addition to filing a demurrer to the suit to plead the facts that decisions have already been given iu other suits which involved the same questions as those now raised The effect of the motion will be to cause delay The motion will probably be argued at some date to be agreed upon subsequent to tne 7th inst when the case is now returnable Ottawa Ont March 3 The Minister of Agriculture rendered judgment today against the Bell Telephone Company annulling the patent of lt 77 covering the Blake transmitter Kvidence is now be ing taken in the suit against the Bell Telephone Company to annul several of the Edison patents held by it Against this decision there is no appeal Woatlierford Notes Special to the Gazette Wkatherkord Tkx March 10 lionS Lanham and family arrived on the morning train from the national capital The peopla of this city are exceedingly proud to see their esteemed representative at home for awhile In the District court today ChalK was convicted of theft of a horse and his punishment assessed at five years in the penitentiary Messrs Crogan and Haven of Kansas City came in on the morning train in company with Messrs Coon and Miller and will leave tomorrow for the latters ranch in Palo Pinto county It is thought by those in a position to know that there has been a very lrge deal made as a result of the convention at Fort Worth The funeral of A Morriss took nlace today at 3 oclock and was largely attended Short In Their Accounts Ottawa III March 10 States Attorney Maloney and a committee of the board of supervisors are reported to have discovered today that exTreasurer Ray monds accounts are short 20000 ex Sheriff Milligans more than that amount and exProbate Clerk BartePs Sc OOO The States Attorney will at once present the matter to the grand jury Raymonds bondsmen are said to have taken possession of his property Resignation Accepted Special to the Gazette Bonham Tex March 10 The Fannin Jnards have accepted the resignation of Captain Bull who has gone to Austin but will retain him as an honorary member Alexander has been elected to succeed Captain Bull and Jules Mach ert was elected Fir Lieutenant The Mexican Llentenant Captured Nogales A March 10 Lieutenant Guitterz who commanded the Mexican soldiers who were engaged in the recent shooting affray with Americans was captured yesterday afternoon at BuenaVista nine miles from here by a party sent in pursuit by the Mexican authorities It is believed that Guitterz will be turned over to the United States authorities Contuarlspxls Are Odlons Pomeroys Pggfbline Plasters are beyond compar SOriijwith any of the old slow acting piasters so iguch advertised they arepositivy original and superior in all respects druggists and Dashwood Osch aeents CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS All persons seeking employment who cannot af ford to pay may advertise in this column for situ tions free of charge FOU KENT HOTEIT fW KENT A goon hotel thirty rooms all FOR woH located A splendid opportunity for good hotel man llulimanr Sellers Co Fort Worth Tex IV TBUB TBS DES wo flrstclass tlnnelrslmmedT atelr good wages to the right kind of men Apply with reference to WHarry Bro this cltv WANTED A flrstrdaSSJCarrragc painter A pood worHuiatffian have a steadv job and gpooVwa es Apply to A Huffman Implement Co Lpany WANTEDAGENTS WANTED AgenfeYlftecrT fccnt sample eash he lder free foe tami Away ahead of anything of the kind ver invented Heats weights Outsells evervthlng 10 a dav BrohardCo Clarkbursr Va Wantprl Man to wltourjroodsinTar TWdllltJU lliei nmtand adjoining counties Will pay Hood aaiar7 ana aU expenses Writo forttnns and state salary wanted SLOAN CO Manufacturers 294 George St Cincinnati Ohio WAITED DIAMOND DKII ANTKD ToIiuy a alaicoadUdrtilto pTbV pect rorcoal or finrrespond with parties owningdcUPwnb will prospect for us by contracWAduress Coleman Cot i Prospecting prison or hang them ho Their ghosts corspsny Coleman Tex iff WESTERN LP Bouclvnnd sold oo apaJ ori for use or in vestment btfVg ErfTyenrt practical expert erice iit5itiiMf6ngh fcnowlcdgn of the st hsvIn srirveyei atven years on the frontier Address WE Kate 61Q Main MONEY TO L0 We are now propsreaSkloan money In any aum lesUedi 6h pastures Improved farms or ranches Will also buy vendors lien notes SOMMERVILLE OHASK 503 Main street Fort Wprth MONJiY lO LOAN 1 wlUUajJ 5 otiMnen land notea la sma or lCOOandover loans madp llp TfcrWorth Texas on lmprovec reaIe4ClfeimTong time at low rates James Simpson 31 Elm street Dallas Tex MOM PV to oan on iQKJaitptffl bUSrSSs ItIUiiLi propertyaaa vscanrlot3 hewton LasslterJawyer Crtr Wfth and MalnF prtb ATE lEURY Malcolm IertyTo ataePer ry can leaLttsoriivtMfrK to their advantage by adaresslirttLarid Claim and Trust Company Kansas Otvjlo WANT EDHEIFERS WAN lEv AbQat 1500 head vearliiycheif ers nexfejApTll Utate ranae and price Will drive toTG lorado or NcffJttjfto Ad dress McNlgnnlas box 46 cherrg3nVTex SITjgLriONJrVANTEf MALE 4 PKAOTTBAVgardtner wont fcllk to cultl I vate thegflrrens of live or lflTpactTe at a stated price Tatjulre at A Leuedal4 Main street FortWiwu VT1UE oUKLLINi rooms andbait T70II SaLOvr roinr CW nead JL ond beeves Apply to Tex Unite JU 1Olt RKSTUWitHJijUs FOR KhNTJifve rbdtttT oS It out bulldinsadvcisrtrn Inquire Towle tpli l5 1iirinTng JL atlrrffcrnv Chtern or the place IgQaUeofEfE rosdlck 40 Maln bireet KOOMiJ FOR JJbJtX IJUltXlaUtf JKJCfttsTior rent Koj blns C2 East atherford street NorTltti FOR SALE PEAOil tUil AN AlKICOC TJtBl peplal Inducements offo edto patinaser3 for the next thirty tys NKItarealso a mil line oi nurserxs fitvshade and ornamental trees AdrtresV A II Boyd Son Proprietors of the Tarrant County Xnrstri llss TAx WanteS a good iu tor eveiyrountv in the state J70ir ALE A Herrine Cq burglajnrodf linkers chest witiiIIaiLtlarVJ cfe AI as good a new Witt Ata a tiini or accept In paymnt EfcaxcNm a national baok Address CUVN rft rni Hj nfc of Kor tli lt EXwtlANGK MY llUMKaml ltione nowjjsrri 5r6rih avxas would cJnj fVffiuible property In Gnlveston or rtpfcrty i ither Fort tfortL Dal jsvtjr trnes vllle or Cleburne Inijn rc vROJlnson Bits butchers and deaera in can etc lUCtj Sfaln trppf orf Worth jyou sal livjstjoSk of ctock ratt me at Ue J70IC SALKi arli adr of ocinY fed ad3 hores anJ lOmhhlcycar old hteers A len Iciiirst ffCt EUANK LttOf 5 Land At Agent and Stock Erofcer SariSrtigeo Tex xvlAN a JiSXtaVgericrsi land ana lectlqjtu sstrrTts for tm Panhandla JtoxBSrTascoaa Tex rpEXAS COUNTY MAPSWo areprcfTared to furnish maps of eac cnmtrinCiUdng Pai handle cjunllt Titles examined and ab etractaiwrfiraicl to any land in the state icSnds recovered tor heirs a ceneral lanl business Cf rreSfion ei ce solicited Tcrti Abstract Companr 921 Congress avenue Ana tin Tex Uox 707 MiSCELLAHJEOLB AKTESIAN BATH HO USE mtutetilrttg water eighty gallons per inhitrte soft as rainwater white suJphuircagneHlaand soda the best batainavwatef In the state It rca7 ba UECf flevatEfrit Springs drunk hot while bath ing Single tickets i5 cents 2vo ticket SI Marklc Haymaker proprietors noitiiweat corner public square ri HE PEOPLEa myioymeTjfcrinceover posf JL oilice EecabltsnetriSsJ Furnishes hclpfree Workforalf ltot uliones Qtffifeyroi fi TIM AiENTSi fojvf srtiesVtVe Outfit free 5 WIS comlitibcsLjv nuTirc pr tectcd amun taJlu JOHsriillLuirante jSOOdaty All abc ut it forptanrp Mr FC FaiuiinitovRoi OiSducaao HODGES a tVvKlCatvjrneyii aW Montague Texas Qpcjalartflat orf gttea to land and comniegcfcl Ilttiatfiyrt TfrfOOD FI3HUR ft Oivl Ajiorceyatt Law San Marcoa Josur I AVIS UZAtth iSO tilH AKOraua aj Connsslors atLav Over Fort Worth fa tional bank Msln tr Ht vort Worth Tbx irVANZANbr l7d 7 phyaiciic fiBTSar geon Oillccover PostoluceReidence cor Tcxas and 0herry5 fr PanElectricjteleDhene JSPE0IAL NOTICES Notice ot Dissolution Ths is to gv Lnoice that the copartnership heretofore evlstragundprthe ame of Wheeler Co Is UI3 day ISaotyed by mutual consent and the said Oiee er having assumed the payment of airiebr lnBt said IStus and Is aso to coMecn outstfthdlnz accounts de the firm WUrfess our handjtthis March 1 ISiT TSUWHEELhK FPSSELMAN Notlcr Contractors The trustees af the public echopL tBXVtrct water Nolan county Tex wlH cecBlvc sealed bids for 1 he erection otivSStdn schoolhouse to April 1 16713 nr oased npon plans and speculationsIn custody of Thon as Trammel Co bankers at Sweetwat Tex Each bid must be accompanied by a 1000 bond conditioned that if 6uch bid be accepted the bidder will enter Into contract and bond within ten oays thereafter The right to reject any and all bids is reserved WEST DOUTHIT Trustees E1DEON THOMAS TKAMMELI Ghairmm Citizens Committee Sweetwater Tex rch 71887 Ordinance No 414 Be It ordained by the City Council of She city of Fort Worth Tex Section 1 No person firm or corporation or the agent of any such persm shaiKengnge in the business of hauling oil or removing filth forces manure slops other offensive matter for hire except he be a regular scavenger having procured the permit as hereinafter provided for Sec 2 Scavengers or any person doing any of the cts defined in section 1of this ordinance shall before engaging in Eucb business or occupation obtain a written erralt om the chairman of the Board or llealtfr allowing him to engage in such svocation or business Sue permit shall state the name and residence such person together with a description of Us team and vehicle and ftfch other facts as maybe required by the BoaijI of Health The same shall not be transferable and shall run for tie term of three months Sec If any scavenger rhall remove fcls place of residence be snail notify the Beard of Health in writing of Buch removal and the place of such removal Sec 1 All scavengers shall carry on their ve hide a green lantyrn ich shall be kept lighted at all tlme3 wlren they are removing lEth and kept in sontri conspicuous place on sch vehicle a shall procure and keep on and attach to the horses or animals used in drawing said vehicle a certain number of bells the number and Jlze of same to be fixed by the Board of Health Sec 5 Any person or scavenger violating any of tbe provisions of this ord nance shall be fined in any sum not exceeding 525 and shall In addition to said fine at tbe option of said Board of HealtrrtforfeU hlB permit Sec 6 All rdinances and parts of ordinances In conflict herewith are hereby repealed Sec IfThut this ordinance take effect and be Inforcifrom and after lta publication as re rmlredby law Filed 5farch 21SS7 Eahly City Secretary Pdlsed March I 1S87 Recorded March 9 PISS JI EAKLY Gl Secretary This ordinance not having been approved nor disapproved within three days aa prescribed by the charter of said city takes effect the same as if approved HR Earlt City Secretary I I.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.