Friday solar eclipse blog: Updates from around Oregon (2024)

SATURDAY UPDATES::Live weather, traffic and event news from around Oregon

Friday solar eclipse blog: Updates from around Oregon (2)

Not all Mid-Valley residents excited for the eclipse

SALEM, 10 p.m.– The out-of-staters may be clamoring to attend one of the big eclipse events that is going on in the Mid-Willamette Valley, but not everyone who lives in the area is.

On the morning of Aug. 21, Spencer Johnson and his wife Julya plan to be sitting in the yard of their Lebanon home with some friends who are coming in from out of town, eating breakfast and drinking coffee.

The gate to their property will be locked.

“I have a girlfriend coming in just for it,” Julya Johnson said. “Otherwise I probably wouldn’t have known. I hate to say that.”

Spencer Johnson shared his wife's sentiment about the eclipse as well.

“I’m just going to sit back, relax and enjoy it, but there sure is a lot of hoopla over this," he said. "We’ll have to see if it’s as exciting as everybody’s making it up to be.”

— Bill Poehler

From Harvest Fest to Eclipse Fest in Sublimity

SUBLIMITY, 9:45p.m. —Visitors began trickling into Sublimity Harvest Festival grounds Friday afternoon where, when all is said and done, hundreds are expected to take in the eclipse.

“Saw it in Sublimity” is a River Fusion 22 production. Host at the grounds, Scott Ingalls, said there are 80 tents and 40 RVs booked with about “400-plus” anticipated to camp out. Another 300 tickets were sold for Monday’s viewing.

Abby and Neal Guthrie of Arcata, California, were among the first tent campers on hand. They came with their young daughters, Ender and Hazzard.

“There was no problem at all with the traffic coming up,” Abby said. “Surprisingly easy.”

Friday solar eclipse blog: Updates from around Oregon (3)

Neal said they knew others who were heading to the coast, but since they already live on the coast they were looking for something different. Part of the draw here was the North Fork of the Santiam River.

“We’re river guides, so we wanted to go somewhere different for the eclipse, and we wanted to take the kids rafting,” Abby said.

Santiam Canyon fit the bill for both.

—Justin Much

Eclipse crowds haven’t reached Detroit yet, or Highway 22

DETROIT, 9:15 p.m. — The crowds expected to swarm the Detroit Lake and Oregon Highway 22 hadn’t showed up as of Friday night.

In fact, Friday, which was filled with beautiful sunshine and very little smoke, was actually much quieter than a normal summer Friday, locals said.

Theories about why people haven’t showed up yet range from visitors being scared away by stories of large wildfires in the area, to it being too early for eclipse goers.

Either way, the town is ready. The weather has been beautiful with all the smoke getting blown east toward Central Oregon. None of the three fires in the area are currently threatening Detroit.

Friday solar eclipse blog: Updates from around Oregon (4)

Each night this weekend, downtown Detroit is hosting the Detroit Lake Eclipse Fest. It features a bouncy-house, slides, BBQ, beer garden and live music each night beginning around 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, with a special viewing party Monday.

There’s no guarantee the smoke will stay away. But, for now, the weather is beautiful and the thought of watching the eclipse from Detroit Lake looks like a pretty good idea.

— Zach Urness

Oregon Garden's eclipse event drawing campers

Friday solar eclipse blog: Updates from around Oregon (5)

Silverton 8:30 p.m. – The first handful of tent campers in a field aimed to squeeze in 100 or so pitched stakes by early Friday evening at the west end of the Oregon Garden.

Camp host Todd English of Eastern Washington said most of the early arrivals were from Oregon and Washington, save one from British Columbia.

“It’s set up for 100 campers; I expect by tomorrow this place will be jumping with people from all over,” English said.

That’s one campground near the front of the garden; there are others and, of course, the lodging has been booked for a long time.

Plans are for viewing areas throughout its 80-acre botanical garden (complimentary eclipse viewing glasses) with a backdrop of live music around various bars with bloody marys, mimosas and coffee co*cktails in the morning and local beers, spirits and wine in the afternoon and evening, winding down with a movie, “Guardians of the Galaxy” at sundown followed by a jam around a campfire.

— Justin Much

Eclipse visitors trickle into Independence

INDEPENDENCE, 8:20 p.m. – The first tents have gone up at Riverview Park in ndependence.

As park staff prepare the waterfront park for visitors this weekend, the first of the eclipse devotees have begun to trickle in.

Jennifer Wallenberg, of Vancouver, Washington, arrived with her kids around 1 p.m. She bought the car camping spot they’re using months ago, and picked up a new tent for the occasion.

“Everyone else I know is happy back in Vancouver with 99 percent [eclipse totality] and I was thinking ‘Well, it’s only an hour and a half to get 100, so why not?’”

Wallenberg remembered seeing the last eclipse in 1979, when she was around 8. She’s hoping to remember it a little better this time.

Although many campers haven’t arrived yet, Wallenberg thinks the park will fill quickly.

“It seems very quiet right now,” she said. “I’m sure it will be crazy”

Expecting the same, Levi Walker, an Independence resident of two years, decided to put a sign out in front of his house this afternoon. He’s advertising the open yard space on his two-acre plot on Highway 51, surrounded by a large peppermint field.

“Not anything big. We got a shower facility. Pool out back. Grass,” Walker said.

Friday solar eclipse blog: Updates from around Oregon (6)

Walker hasn’t had any bites on his offer yet. He’s looking to help out the bigger groups and those with RVs. He said he is planning to ask for $100 donations from those who stay.

“We’re assuming it’s going to be kind of like a ‘find where you can fit in’ type place,” he said. “We’re okay with meeting new people and having Californians or southern Oregon people or anybody.”

Walker said that he’d talked with his neighbors, and it seemed like everyone was planning for the worst from the sudden population growth. But with all the festivities planned down by the river for the “Indy Goes Dark” festival, Walker understands the appeal.

“I didn’t think they would choose Independence, but I think it’s a great place,” he said.

— Cooper Green

Activist believes eclipse timing is not a coincidence

SALEM, 7:40 p.m.– Ras Ible believes that it wasn’t a coincidence that he ended up in Salem at the same time as the eclipse.

The 60-year-old man was in Salem Friday to receive his settlement check from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

For someone who has been walking coast to coast across the United States since 2015 with his 400-pound mobile home – best described as a rickshaw – he understands the significance of being in a place when something significant is happening.

When the solar eclipse happens on Aug. 21, Ible, who has been homeless for years, thinks he will be in the yard of a friend’s house in Salem.

“It seems to be such a spiritual moment for so many people,” said Ible, whose full legal name is Lawrence Scible. “We’re at a hard time right now. We’re all seeking some relief and there’s many spiritual people that live in Oregon and have the vibration.

“I think we all come here to congregate, and that’s why everybody’s really coming here. I’m truly blessed just to be here. The Lord put me here.”

Ible is best known for his activism for legalizing cannabis.

He said that with the money he receives from the government that he intends to purchase land in Mill City. He wants to open a rehabilitation center and provide a place for homeless people to go.

“Hopefully if that check arrives here before the bank closes, I’ll never be homeless again,” Ible said.

— Bill Poehler

Scio welcomes out-of-town guests

SCIO, 6:40 p.m. – “I watched ‘Sol Wink Out’ in Scio,” is a weekend theme floating through this foothill hamlet founded on timber and farming.
Tents began popping up on the edge of town as Wendy Greenwald greeted early visitors from Seattle at the information booth.

Friday solar eclipse blog: Updates from around Oregon (7)

The Linn County community counts 929 residents, but this weekend’s populous is ballooning along with the activity on tap, which includes dinner and live music at the Z.C.B.J. Hall, Vogel Campground live music, Coney Dogs, cookies,raffles for “Sol Wink Out” quilts and the standard step-back-in-time covered bridge tours.
“Scio is very proud of the events they have been able to schedule,” City Manager Ginger Allen said. “(At last count) we have 650-plus people registered to camp in our various campgrounds.”

The community has opened an information booth at the Scio Fire Station, South Main Street, from Friday through Monday.

-- Justin Much

Traffic in downtown Salem heavy during rush hour

SALEM, 5 p.m. — The rush hour traffic in downtown Salem is heavy, but moving.

--Bill Poehler

Three-Fingered Jack becomes new must-visit destination for eclipse watchers

DETROIT, 4:30 p.m. Earlier this summer, eclipse watchers from across the globe put a big circle around Oregon’s Mount Jefferson.

The state’s second-tallest mountain lies almost smack in the middle of the eclipse’s path of totality, and also happens to be a highly photogenic volcano.

For hikers and backpackers, the top place to watch the eclipse was Jefferson Park, an alpine meadow at the mountain’s base.

The Whitewater Fire changed all that. The 6,791-acre fire is burning at the base of Mount Jefferson and forced the U.S. Forest Service to close access to 117,000 acres in the Mount Jefferson Wilderness, including Jefferson Park.

That closure changed the plans of a number of eclipse-seekers. But many appear to have found a good alternative: Three Fingered Jack.

The multicolored shield volcano, south of Mount Jefferson, remains open to hikers and backpackers. It’s also well within the path of totality.

Grady McMahan, district ranger for the U.S. Forest Service in Detroit, said a number of rangers will be deployed around Three-Fingered Jack. The easiest access is via the Pacific Crest Trail from Santiam Pass.

The mountain is a technical and challenging peak to climb. Only people with strong mountaineering experience should attempt climbing it, McMahan said, and they should expect company.

McMahan said other popular spots for backcountry eclipse watchers include the Eight Lakes Basin and Mount Washington area.

— Zach Urness

Friday solar eclipse blog: Updates from around Oregon (8)

Eclipse serves as a reunion for Floridians

SALEM, 4p.m. – Cheryl Porter and her extended family are using the Great American Eclipse as the impetus for a bit of a reunion in Newport.

“When my family gets together, it’s all about telling stories and card games and kazoo orchestras,” she said.

The Gainesville, Florida, resident said up to 20 people will be filling three houses they rented near the beach for the eclipse. These reservations were made last October.

Much of Porter’s family lives in Oregon, thus the Newport location, but some will also be arriving from Texas and Florida to join.

The group had an idea to make a trip before they knew about the eclipse, but after reading about it they made sure to find a location within the line of totality.

Porter said she is a little worried about coastal fog on the morning of the eclipse, but “we’ll just live with what we get.”

“How often do you get to see a solar eclipse?” she said.

Up to 1 million people are expected to visit Oregon for the Great American Eclipse from all across the country and even internationally.

Vacasa, the Portland based vacation rental company that Porter used, reported that only 22 of their 1,407 Oregon homes were available just days before the eclipse.

— Connor Radnovich

Signs welcome overnight guests at city parks

SALEM, 2 p.m. – Fourteen college students hired by the city are busy installing about 2,900 signs throughout Salem’s 93 parks.

Visitors can save viewing spots in the park beginning Saturday evening.

Salem spent about $15,000 on the signs, city spokesman Mike Gotterba said.

Friday solar eclipse blog: Updates from around Oregon (9)

They’ll let visitors know where – and where not – to park; where to find restrooms and drinking water; and how to comply with park rules.

They’ll also remind people to wear their eclipse glasses.

—Tracy Loew

More:Camping allowed in Salem parks before eclipse has some residents worried

More:Salem-Keizer schools closing access to properties during solar eclipse

Increased state police presence

SALEM, 1:15 p.m. — Oregon State Police are reminding drivers they will be out in force to make sure traffic flows smoothly on major highways as people begin to arrive at their viewing location of choice.

More:Salem officials lay out plans for solar eclipse

More:Who do you call? Hotlines ready for eclipse, travel questions

Smoke covering Detroit, but highways not busy yet

DETROIT, 12:30 p.m. – So far the major eclipse crowds haven’t showed up in Detroit or along State Highway 22.

The drive from Salem to Detroit was a breeze Friday morning, taking the normal length of time of around 1 hour. There was little traffic but you get the sense everyone in the Santiam Canyon is kind of holding their breath.

“We know it’s coming,” said an employee at North Santiam State Park.

Friday solar eclipse blog: Updates from around Oregon (10)

Smoke in Detroit is moderate right now and it’s not projected to improve much. You can see Detroit Lake, but not very far across it. Piety Island is just within view.

I’m curious to see how or if the smoke impacts this area, which is right in the eclipse’s path of totality.

— Zach Urness

Burn ban:Field burning, domestic fire bans in effect until after eclipse

Construction on Center Street Bridge

SALEM, noon —Good news for motorists crossing the Willamette River: The steel plates that were protruding from the Center Street Bridge past the project completion date were removed during night work Thursday evening.

Oregon Department of Transportation spokesman Lou Torres said there is still additional work to be done on the bridge, including paving and patching, but it will take place after eclipse traffic has dispersed.

The formerly rutted bridge has been smoothed and is ready for the onslaught of additional traffic generated by eclipse goers.

— Carol Currie

Previously:Oregon fails to keep bridge project on track; repairs might frustrate eclipse viewers

Professor calls Salem 'best place to view Total Eclipse'

SALEM, noon —As Monday draws closer, weather forecasts increasingly show little cloud cover expected over the Mid-Willamette Valley.

In fact, University of Washington Professor of Atmospheric SciencesCliff Mass declared Salem and vicinity one of the better places to observe the total solar eclipse.

Salem offers "clear skies and smoke-free air, resulting in exceptional viewing conditions," Mass wrote on his blog. Yes, Central Oregon will probably be cloud-free, but Mass writes, "For those viewing on the eastern slopes of the Oregon Cascades and in eastern Oregon, a veil of smoke will be present and will undermine clarity to some degree."

— David Davis

Forecast:Eclipse Day in Salem, Lincoln City and Madras

Abbey closes for private event

MOUNT ANGEL, noon—If you’re a last-minute planner and still debating on the perfect place to watch the solar eclipse, scratch Mount Angel Abbey off your list.

Friday solar eclipse blog: Updates from around Oregon (11)

The holy hilltop, home to a community of Benedictine monks and seminarians, would have been a prime place to view the upcoming celestial event. The abbey is nestled atop a 300-foot bluff with views of Mount Hood, Mount St. Helens and Mount Adams.

It will be closed for a private event.

This is posted on the abbey’s website: “While we share the excitement and anticipation of the solar eclipse in our skies happening August 21, we would like the general public to know that the Abbey campus will not be available as a public viewing site for the event.”

The abbey is expecting 350-400 people on campus this weekend, including monks, seminarians, staff and guests.

The abbey's guesthouse was booked more than a year ago. Among the guests:two busloads of scientists from California who made reservations “before we even knew there was going to be an eclipse,” Father Trujillo said.

Event passes will be issued to those who have reservations, and public access will not be allowed during the eclipse weekend on Abbey Drive, the road that leads to the campus.

Father Trujillo said staff have been receiving a lot of calls and emails the past few months from people inquiring about eclipse viewing opportunities.

“We’ve had to be really gentle with people, and they’ve been very understanding in general,” Father Trujillo said.

— Capi Lynn

More:Comparing Oregon solar eclipse experiences, 1979 to 2017

Wheatland Ferry hours extended

SALEM, 10 a.m. —Marion County officials have extended operating hours for the Wheatland Ferry on Monday morning to accommodatetravelers heading to the Mid-Willamette Valley.

The ferry will begin carting vehicles across the Willamette River at 4:30 a.m., one hour earlier than usual.

Standard fees are still in place for vehicles from bicycles to passenger cars to farm equipment. Fees can be paid in cash, check or toll card. Credit and debit cards are not accepted. Pedestrians can ride free.

— David Davis

More:Oregon's solar eclipse success depends on public as much as state's plans

Hotel room prices on the rise for eclipse

SALEM, 8:30 a.m. Friday —Price comparison website HotelsCombined shared data showing prices for local rooms in Salem up considerably ahead of the eclipse:

The average price for a room Friday, August 18, was $461, up 272 percentfrom the previous Friday. Average prices for Saturday were up 99 percentand Sunday up 57 percentcompared to the previous week.

— David Davis

Previously:Grand Hotel to pay customers for eclipse reservation problems

Thursday traffic over Santiam Pass

DETROIT, 8 p.m. Thursday —Columnist Capi Lynn reported Highway 22 and Santiam Pass was smooth sailing Thursday evening as she traveled to Madras to cover the solar eclipse from Solartown, a field that has been converted to a campground with more than 5,000 sites.

Read more of her dispatch from the road:Eclipse road report: Detroit skies appear clear

— Capi Lynn

More:Minnie Winnie chases Oregon solar eclipse in Madras

Friday solar eclipse blog: Updates from around Oregon (2024)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.