The Vicksburg Post from Vicksburg, Mississippi (2024)


Delivered by Carriers 21 Seventy five Cents a Month. VICKSBURG. MISS. JULY 21, 1-17. A SINGLE TAX COlony is in successful operation on the shore of Mobile Bay, thirteen miles from! Mobile and twenty miles from the Gulf of Mexico.

It is named Fairhope. Its origin was in Des Moines, Dwa, whence its pioneers came South sixty strong to demonstrate the theory of single tax. The colony owns 670 acres of land. has a law compelling corporations which avail themselves of, the services of counsel to attend to their interests before the State Legislature to file a statement of the disbursem*nts consequent on services. The turns for last session have just been pub1 shed, and they auggest the, possibili of the lobby finally giving place that spectable Institation known in g.

land as "'the Parliamentary ban" A buil similar to the Massachusetta law war introduced Inst Winter in Albany, but never emerged from committee. McCLURE's Magazine for Augus will be a Midsummer fiction number, with stories by the greatest living writers in that kind. But it will not ignore graver interests. Mr. I.

W. Dam will describe the daily life and work in the greatest dynamite factory in the world; Anthony Hope, the author of "The Prisoner of da," will give his impressions of C. D. Gibson, the Amencan artist who in his drawings, has lately shown the people of London what they are like; Madame Blane, of the staff of the "'Revue des Deux Mondes," will describe the Paris gamin as she has herself seen hum in his native haunts; and Hamlin Garland, drawing upon unpublished original documents and testimony, will tell the story of the first meeung of Lincoln and Grantmeeting as picturesque and dramatic as it was important. HARRIS AND CARLISLE.

Though Politically Estranged They Remained Personal Friends. After Carliale had scotched the silver in writes Savoyard in the Courier Journal, Harris took command of the conference silver and forces. He called the Memphis set about gathering delegates. He showed a skill, an ability and force that were astonishing. His choice for President was Vice- President Steven HON, though he would have been content with Boies or Bland.

After Bryan made that stump speech in the Convention it WHA suggested to Harris that would ba the nominee. The fellow straightened 1 himself up and exelsimed: "Damn him: he's only a 82,500 man." After the nomination Harris retired to his Texas ranch in dirgust. He knew Bryan would be defeated. Senator Harris was a great friend of Carlisle, and last Saturday Car isle entered the Senate chamber for the first time since March 4, 1893, to attend the funeral of his old friend. Speaking of Carlisle, Harris said: "He is the most wonderful man I ever met.

His is the clearest head in the Union. His mind in one of these machines you see in like the hotels. Drop a question in the slot and out comes the answer." Carlisle pointed "when of Harris' friends to office, and the Secretary and tor came to the parting of the ways they par ed and remained so to the end. man ever did Isham G. Harris a favor in vain.

Of all the men in the South in 1861 Harris was the best firted for President of the Confeder-cy. Had he been chos. en history might have been very different. He would have been the of America. Bat the hand of God was in that mighty con and of history from 1861 est.

1865 every shows that page it was fore ordained that the North was to triumph. The battle the campaign was to the South; was to, the North, but Montmorency like Isham G. Harris might have changed the result. Good Argument Against Wearing Stripes. One of the greatest obj to the in present methed of dealing with prisoners most of the States of the Union attaches to the wearing of stripes.

As strange 88 i may seem, the uniforms worn by convicts exercise considerable in Huence upon their mental and moral condi ions, and the various prison reforms recently instituted do away with the wearing of stripes almost entirely. In Kansas the newly arrived convict is fitted out with a probationary, snit. If to lift himself in a higher be behaves well disposition be is permitted wi bin a while to wear a neat costume of gray, with cap and shirt to match. If he proves unruly or vicious he is put in stripes and set apart as a disgraced inmates of the prison. A Dahomey Solomon.

It is related of Adarossa, king of Dahomey, that he decide which of the the otice wished to or fool, was more the two, drunkard less. He took stupid and helptwo fair specimens, and after shutting them' up in he ordered this to be grass hur, set on fire. As FOOD the fool felt the heat he made himself. desperate efforts to get out and thus saved lar like a log The and drunkard, on the contrary, Then the king said: "There burned to death. was fool better is no doubt the is off than the drunkard." CAUSES OP INSOMNIA.

Badly Made Beds and Poorly Ventilated Sleeping Rooms. Probably more suicides and insanity come from insomnia than from any other cause; and yet it may often be easily removed. The very plicity of the reasons for is existence often directs suspicion elsewhere. It is readily unders ood that a man who has embezzled money, or who is under the stress of some aw'ul calamity, or who sac ually in the grasp of some deadly diseise, should be rendered sleepless; though even such a one might often sleep better than he does it he would only observe a few simple rules, But why peaceable, fairly healthy men and women, not in unusual eff ion, should be attacked by this insidious complaint, as they often are, frequently, baffl the doctors and puzzles the innocent souls of the sufferers themselves. Here are some of the reasons: In the firat place beds are 100 often uncomfortabie.

A motto of every housekeeper should be: Whatever else my house contains, it shall have comfortable bed-. They should be numerous enough Ho that each and every member of the family can have a bed to himself; the mattress should be of hair, on a woven! wire or other good spring foundation; and the cover eta should be light or medium weight wool blankets only, with more within easy reach. In the second place, balf the prople in the world Bot know the brd-room be ventilated. It need not have a gale blowing through it, bu, a it would be uncomfortable to sit for seven or eight hours awake in a room without change of air, so it in quite as bad, or worse, to He asleep in such a room. See that constant stream of fresh air geta into your sleeping room somehow.

Except in the very coldest weather, it in usually feasible for every body have a window open more are in found At home one can usually have a door open N1-0 Scientists tell us that the air in a room is like the water in a lake or river. There 19 a current which moves that in middle, but that along the edges ip more or less wall you are enthing over over this stagnant. If your head is against the stagnant air If your lungs are at all Pensitive you wil become uncomfortable. Your organs will demand free air. You will 1088.

You will wake up. You will find it bard to get to sleep again. The first you know you will have chronic insomnia. This leads to the third consideration which is, beware of the alcove. -Pittsburg Dispatch.

Three New York Hotels. At the Fifth avenue entrance to Central park stand three tall and olegant hotels which are of the very highest rank in New York and aro patronized by wenlthy and fashionable people. Atone of these hotols a little room on the seventh floor, with one window, two closeta and in one of them 8 stationary washstand, costa, with board for two, $11.50 a day; for one person, 88.50, and for two persons, without board, $6 a day. This 1a a small and cheap room. If a man and his wife want to live somewhat elegantly, they will have no trouble at all in paying $50 a day at elther of these hotels facing the park.

You get the luxury, however, the when hotel you descend to the lower floors and find that you pay not for your little room, but for the beautiful parlore, the comfortable lounging and writing rooms, the army of well trained servants always ready to attend your slightest wants, and all expecting a tip; the really good oil paintings on the walls by firat rate French artiste and the general air quiet, the whole place. landlord pays dignity and exclusivenes which pervades 000 a year rent for the hotel and has over 300 servants. The restaurants at these upper class hotels have prices which appall an teal man from the west. A dish of strawcoonom- berries costs 50 conte; three boiled potatoes are 80 cents; for few stalks of they charge 75 centa: any sort asparagus will cost you from $1.60 to $8.50, and the only merit you see in the whole scheme la that two can eat for exactly the same price 2N one. The custom of half portions 1a coming in, but this is of no use to ladies, for it is applied only in the cafes where the bachelors rosort.

It Is very diMcult in one of these fine restaurants to figure out any kind of full meal for less than $9, and then it will consist of very plain dishes.San Francisco Argonaut. The Japanese Student Cook. He WAN a Japanese student, Shasuka, fellow in chemistry of the Imperial university of Tokyo, who came to this kitehen to learn general housework. He answered all questions as to his capabilities with, do not know, but I wish to His interest the culinary processes was great. His wan cheek flushed and his guid eye kindled as the mistress initiated him into the applied principles chemistry.

He did not know how to make broad, but he "wished to learn." The philosopby of the cooking range interested him deeply, but of its working he had all to learn. The dish washing and serving appealed less to his scholarly instincts, but still he 'wished to Mistress was scientifle, and with promising a pupil should have got on famously. The consciousness that her appliances were not all that a scientist could destre and the humiliation of disclosing to the distinguished stranger her makemethods and expediences proved painful; also it was taxing to teach that which experience alone had given her skill. She thought of several really good inventions for reducing the work to a tem which had been thrown aside because Ellen would not bother with them, and the possibility of working out the problem intelligently with Shasuka 28 associate took the form of Meanwhile the desire, must be fed and the house made comfortable. There was little time for experimenting.

Poor Shasuka fell into a treadmill of drudgery little befitting his personality, and the mistress, finding the new role too much, fell a prey to nervous prostration. So brilliant opportunity was lost, and Shasuka went, still wishing to learn, let us hope.American Kitchen Magazine. Bigger Than the Justice. William Penn and Thomas Story once sheltered themselves from a shower of rain in a tobacco house, the owner of which said to them: "You enter Do without leave. you know who I am! I am a of the To which justice thee.

"My He friend here makes such things Story replied: is governor of A fill of 10 degrees in th only notable change temperature is morning. since yesterday THE "GROWN-UP" DAUGHTER'S DUTY TO HER MOTHER. You can only have one and her mind gloomy regularly, then write to toms aud you will receive self. In the meantime mother; therefore, when her step is growing slow with forebodings, and you can see that her whole, nervous system is upset, it is your filial duty and privilege to attend to her in time! Mother is approaching the most critical period of her life. The change of life, that is what mother is dreading, and no wonder, for it is full of peril to all but the strongest women.

There are some special and very wearing symptoms from which mother suffers, but she will not speak of them to any one. Help her out; she doesn't know what to do for herself! Shall I advise you? First, send to the nearest drug store and get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, see that mother takes it Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, giving all the sympa prompt reply telling mother what to do for herthe Vegetable Compound will make life much easier for her. It tones up the system, invigorates the body, and the blues" nervous, before it as darkness flees from the sunlight.

You can get it at any. reliable druggist's. Mrs. LOUIS Harris Hill. says: "I have been troubled with falling of the womb for years, was advised to take Lydia E.

Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I took thirteen bottles and received great benefit. When the time for change of life came I suffered a great deal with faintness and palpitation of the heart. I got one bottle of the Vegetable Compound and one of Blood Purifier and was relieved enabled to pass through that serious period very Good Rul-8, Thirteen observances for the tab'e from home for the summer giri and others: awry Do not eat soup from the tip, but the side of the spoon On passing your plate to be replenished, retain the knife and fork. Wipe the mouth before drinking.

Remove the teaspoon from the enp before drinking tea or coffee. Use the knife only in cutting the food; do not raise it to the mouth. Fat 8 owly; rapid eating is unhealthy. If you find anything unpleasant in your food, avoid calling the attention of others to it. Close the lies when chewing Keep your elbows off' the 'able.

Do not speak with food in y. ur month: When asked to belp your neighbor, do not shove, but hand the plate to him Do not turn your head and s'are about the room. If antone at the table makes a mistake, take the least porsible notice of it. Tue old story of Prometbeus 19 a parable. Prometheus was on terms of intimacy with the gods.

From them he sole fire, and and gave it to men. For this sin he was bound to the rocks of Mount Caucassus. and vultures were set upon him. They only ate his liver. This grew again as fast as it was pecked away.

Are his sufferings to be imagined Take modern interpretation of the parable. There is no cooking without tire. In cooking and eating the mischief lies. The stomach is overtasked, the bowels become clogged they cannot dispose of the food that is given them. The impurities back up on the liver.

Then comes the vultures -the torments of diseased liver. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is more than equal to the vultures of dyspepsia its kindred diseases. There is no re need and of suffering from dyspepsia than there is of hanging ones self. Soli by al medicine dealers the world over.

Vitrified Bricks. The main streets of Shreveport. are now being paved with vitrified bricks. The city authorities of Meridian, Miss, have for some time been engaged in an investi Ration of paving material, and the Mayor says he is convinced that vitrifi. bricks make the cheapest pavement in the world.

He has been in correspondence with the burg. mayors W. of Charleston, Blooming, Wheeling, Decatur. Parkers. burg.

Ill; Columbus. Zanesville, Stubenvile, Tenn. Ohio, Burlington, and Men phis, In these cities the pavement has been in use on the business streets from seven to twenty -five years and the result is most satisfactory. pairs done, of very slight, is the universal verdict. CASTORIA.

The simile 19 ca every WrAppeR CASTORIA. simile every CASTORIA. The T. O. PAYNE, DENTIST, Office, Washington streets, formerly oc cupied by Dr, Miles.

Having disposed of other interests, I will give careful and prompt attention to all requiring my services; and will henceforth the prices work, on a basis that will correspond with 5 cent cotton and the "times" consequent thereon. ap29 HOTEL PIAZZA SOUTH WASHINGTON ST. ent to Centrally both located and conventrailroads and steam. or. A New Hotel, with All the VIN Modern ENT Improvements Send Your Job to Printing EVENING Post.

FOR lice, feat, ew, Printing: W. A. HYLAND, Licensed Architect and tent actor, 407 Crawford Street near Washington. Executed Architectural ard Mechanical Drawings at Short Notice. Estimates furnished on any kind of BUILDINGS OR WOOD- WA K.

j-19 C. 0. WILLIS. E. M.

MOORE WILLIS, MOORE Cotton Factors AND Commission Merchants, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Advances made in cash or Su; pies at the ma-ket rates on cotton cousignments je 14. QUEEN CRESCENT Time Table, In Effect Sunday, July, 18, '97 GOING WEST Meridian 600 Vicksburg, 30 am Arrive weave 11:45 a.n Arrive Shreveport 7:20) p.n GOING EAST eave threveport 9:10 a.m Vicksburg 4:05 D.D: Arrive Vicksburg 45 Leave Arrive Meridian Through sleeping cars between -breve port bd Chattanooga. A. F.

BARNETT, G. P. A. New Orleans. T.a SOUTHERN HOME JOURNAL, Literary and Home Publication.

The Only one in the Gulf States. The only paper in Mississippi whose ributors are paid. One year 00 50 SAMPLE FREE. JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI. jeb10 Scribner's MAGAZINE Red- Letter Year 1897 The entire novelty of many of the plans for 1897 is noticeable.

instance, the series devoted to "London as seen by Charles Dana Gibson." Mr. Gibson has not before appeared as a wrier. He visited London last Summer for Scribner's Magazine for the purpose of depicting with pen and pencil those scenes and types which the huge metropons presents in endless variety. Of like novelty is the first considerable Novel by Rico Hard: Peri diers of For he h.t-e. of the most men that Mr.

Davis has drawn. Ilin-trated br C. D. Gibson. 1 Gen Furi esses." A beautifully lustrated sees articles of following are a read competed: he Great Depar ment tor.

"The Management of a G- ent Hotel." The Wo. king of the Bank Great Manufactory "Undergraduate Life in Calleges A series of ur ions upon the 1-f four older 98 sent a by the doings the students themselves. Judge Henry E. Howlend writes on Unde graduate Life at Yale Mr. James Alexander on "Princeton," and Robert Grant and Edward S.

Martin on Harvard "Japan and China Since the War' wi'l be most interesting group of articles richly lustrated Unquiet Sex." -Under the Iteit to Unquiet 8-x Mrs Helen Waterson Moody will series of articles: Wo. man and Reforms." "The to lege Bred Woman," "Woman's Club," and "The Sais of Maria" (a paper on domestic service). W. D. Howells's Storyof a Play." In the Mr.

Howella gives us the best novei he even produced in his delightful vein of lighs omedy. Wanted -An Idea of Who thing some to can patent? simple think Write Protect JOHN your Ideas: WEDDERBURN they may bring you wealth. Patent Attor. and neys, list Washington, two hundred D. for their $1,800 prize offer inventions wanted.

Ladies Who Value A refined complexion must use Pozzoni's Pow- der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin. FINE of and Fis ing. coolest Sailing, in the Northwest. 10 Cottages in ion, Cycling, 4 Etc.

ecc't. 10 miles ione to 10 300 fret doe cont spring 2 wide and mosquitos. Write for circulars water. No HASE TINE Manager, Durtford, to C. P.

jy 19 mo we fr-81 Wis. Waukesha, 0-f the Nor health al and b. 16 miles charming Pesort in -250 brines feet above Lake Michigan its of Mil wankee heating led hundreds of invalids soMineral tine fi-hing. delightful by levutiful Lakes, RING HOTEL' drives. "NEW I.

now open. C.n Cet's entertainmen fin: music. GEORG R. JONES, Manager, Waokesha Addres Wis. jy 8-th sa-tu-10t The Oakwood, Green Lake, Wis.

COOPER'S WELL HOTEL WILL RE-OPEN MAY 20. again. I was thereby comfortably." Buggies, Wagons. HARNESS -ATPRICES TO MEET ANY COMPETITION. LOUIS HOFFMAN Hardware Hoffman Block.

Vicksburg, Miss, Notice. THE PERSONAL ASSESSMENT ROLL OF WARREN COUNTY is now on file in the Chancery C.erk's office and wilt remain there for inspection until MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1897 Any person who is dissatisfied with the assessment may within such time present his objections thereto in writing to the Clerk Ali persons who fail to file objections shall be conc nded by the assessment and precluded from questioning its validity after its approval by the Board of Supervisors or by operation of By order of the Board of Supervisors of Warren County, Miss. jy 12 J. D. LAUGHLIN Clerk.

INSURANCE MISSISSIPPI HOME IN SURANCE COMPANY, is pared to furnish reliable rance. It represents a line of the strongest companies in the world. Prompt settlements and fair dealing, are characteristic of the "Home." 10. Job Printing at Evening Post. the hote! is situated on a very high ele over 500 feet above the level of th seA The wa er of this mineral -well curs Eva engin Jaundice Bright's Disease, Dia: rhes, and all Diseases of the Liver and Kidneys.

Ace. modations and cuisine first -c ass sale by A. Cas-ell and C. C. he rientars address 8.

H. SPENGLER, my 12 Raymond P. O. Miss. "The Mettawas," KING ONTARIO, an the hon North ride Shore from of Lake Detroit.

Erie, only THE MOST BEAUTIFUL RESORT ON THE GREAT LAKES SUPERIOR ACPOPULAR PRICES: Bathing. Boating, Fishing, Golf. Bicycling, Lawn tennis and Bowling. For illustreted booklets and information address the proprietors, Ontario JOHN F'. ANTISDEL ju 15 mo-th- sat 8t HOTEL RIVERVIEW ON -THE-KANKAKEE 60 a TO LANDING ERVIEW KANKAKEE, ILLINOIS.

OPEN FOR THE SEASON Rates $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 per week. Ack your Ticket Agent for Pamphlet describing the advantages of this Hotel as a Summer Resort. FULL PARTICULARS CAN BE HAD BY ADDRESSING HOTEL RIVERVIEW. KANKAKEE, ILLINOIS, ja10 wad-sat PATENTS Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. and SOUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE in less S.

time PATENT than OFFICES we can secure patent remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or with descrip-! ation. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, How to Obtain Patents," withi cost of same in the U.

S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A. SNOW CO. OPP.

PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. WANTED -AN IDEA. of Who some can simplo thing to patent? Protect your ideas; they may bring BURN you wealth. Write JOHN C.

for train 81. 90 prize offer CO, Patent Attorneys, Washington The Rosy Freshness And a velvety softness of the skin is invariably obtained by those who use POZZONI'8 Complexion Powder. E. WITZMANN CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Music House.

(Oldest Music House in Memphis.) PIANOS KNABE. KRAKAUER. EMERSON. KIMBALL, LUDWIGClough Warren, Great Western, Kimball Pipe Organ. Kimball, ORGANS MY PIANOS SOLD ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS.

Largest Stock of Music in the South. Everything in the Music Line. Write for Catalogue. 221 and 223 Second Street, Memphis, Tenn..

The Vicksburg Post from Vicksburg, Mississippi (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.